Nutrients and Growth Flashcards
Dissolved substnces from which organisms can obtain an element which is essential for growth
Biological functions
Phosphorous required to construct key biomolecules, such as DNA and phospholipids
Nitrogen is required for DNA and a major component of proteins
Fe is required to build proteins
Phosphorous chemical forms
Dissolved inorganic phosphate or orthophosphate
Dissolved organic phosphorous
Nitrogen chemical forms
N gas, largely unreactive
Nitrate, majority of fixed N in the oceans
Ammonia mostly as ammonium
Dissolved organic N, urea
Silica chemical form
Soluble in water as silicate ion
Iron chemical forms
Fe III, highly unsoluble at pH8
Fe II, more soluble, rapidly oxidised small pool
Bound to organic ligands
Redfield ratio
C:N:P - 106:16:1
Stoichiometric ratios within average phytoplankton biomass.
138 O
Formula for average OM:
Production of OM represented by equations, can relate C to oxygen by photosynthetic quotient, mols of O consumed to C produced
Vertical profiles
Depleted in surface
Enriched in sub-surface waters by degradation of OM
Major N pools in the sea
N is unavailable to most organisms except diazotrophs
Availability of N is often a constraint on production of new OM
N uptake and assimilation
Synthesis of AAs requires N in form of ammonium into C skeletons
Two sources of nutrients to euphotic:
- local regeneration.
Influx of external nutrients from deep ocean or atmosphere
- 15N can be used as a tracer to estimate the uptake of different forms of N
new N species in the sea
Nitrate, microbial oxidation produces a large pool below thermocline, replenishes waters through upwelling
Nitrite, accumulated in regions of low oxygen, max at base of euphotic, due to phyto excretion
N gas, N fixation in trichodesmium.
Regenerate N species
Ammonium formed from bacterial deamination and animal excretion
Urea bacterial degradation of purines and pyrimidines
N15 uptake experimetn
Spike and incubtate
Filiter, collect particles
Measure (IRMS)
F ratio
Uptake of new N / uptake of new N + regenerated N
Nitrogen uptake in different systems
Eutrophic f ratio >60%
Oligotrophic 3-20%
HNLC 30-50%