nutrient analysis slides Flashcards
Know the advantages and limitations of precision fed rooster assay vs ileal digestibility assay for broilers
- Precision-Fed Rooster Assay
- Developed by I.R. Sibbald (1979)
- Method
– Adult cockerels fasted 24-48 hours
– Defined amount of test ingredient (usually 30-35 grams) fed via crop intubation
– Excreta collected assuming all undigested
components have been excreted
Know the advantages and limitations of precision fed rooster assay vs ileal digestibility assay for broilers
Advantages of a Precision Fed Rooster
- Relatively fast
- Inexpensive and requires little labor
- Avoids palatability issues
- Roosters may be used for more than one assay
Know the advantages and limitations of precision fed rooster assay vs ileal digestibility assay for broilers
Limitations of the Precision-Fed
Rooster Assay
• Excreta contains both urine and feces
– Metabolizability vs. digestibility
• Hindgut modification by the ceca
– Caecectomy
• Compromises “normal” feeding behavior
– Fasting
– Diet consists only of defined amount of test ingredient
Know the advantages and limitations of precision fed rooster assay vs ileal digestibility assay for broilers
Limitations of the Precision-Fed
Rooster Assay
• Ignores correction for endogenous losses
– Endogenous losses: Amino acids supplied to the gut via endogenous secretion.
– Basal endogenous losses: Related to dry matter intake and independent of diet composition.
– Specific losses: Influenced by composition of the raw material