NUTR 3210 Flashcards
Iron, folate, vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency
rickets, defective bone growth
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
beriberi, energy production, abnormalities in nervous sytem
Vitamin C deficiency
scurvy, iron absorption, haemorrhaging
Cl- metabloite
thyroid homrones
estimated average requirement
connentration of nutrient to satisfy 50% of the population
recommended dietary allowance
concentration of nutirent required to satisfy the needs of the 97.5% of the population
metabloic condition in whcih there is not enough sodium in extracellular fluid
proximate analysis - moisture
weight food sample then dry at 105 degrees or freeze dry,
% dry matter = dry/wet x100
errors: over estimates moisture, drying method removes volatile compounds
proximate analysis - crude fat
extract with ether, analyze with gas chromotography
% crude fat= weight of fat/ wet or dry weight x100%
errors: poor extraction of P.L unwanted extraction of cholophyl, carotenoids and waxes
proximate analysis - mineral content
ignite residue,
% ash = weight of ash/ wet or dry weight
errors: loss of volatile minerals (iron, copper, zinc), no info about individual minerals
proximate analysis- crude protien
kjeldal analysis 1. digestion by sulferic acid into N and amonia 2. distilliation - separating the amonia 3. tiration - quantify the amonia with standard
% crude protein = N in smaple x conversion factor/ wet or dry weight x100%
100% protein/ % N = conversion factor
rproximate analysis- crude fibre
- extract with ether, boil in acid 2. boil in alaki (small intestine) 3. ignite ash + crude fibre 4. get crude fibre by subtracting amoutn of ash
% crude fiber= (wt of ash + crude fiber) - wt of ash / dry or wet sample x100%
errors: over estimates fiber -> loss of soluble fiber, dosen’t give fermentation potenital
crude fiber vs. dietary fiber
crude - lignin and cellulose
dietary - cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, gums, lignin
proximate analysis - nitrogen free extract
% NFE = 100% - (%moisture- %crude fat -%ash - %crude protein - %crude fibre)
errors: accumulates errors, deosn’t differentiate between sugars
van soest method
alternative to NFE, agriculture use, can differentaite between cellulose hemi- and lignin
southgate method
more for human use, provides quantification of sugars, starch, fiber (total)
total collection method
adapt to diet for 7-21 days, measure intake for 3-10 days, measure and wight feces and analyze for nutrient
apparent digestibility coefficiet = totoal intake- total feces/ total intake
limitations: accuracy, labour intensive, costly not ideal for wild animals
indicator method
requires a marker internal and external
apparent digestbility coefficient = (nutirent/marker in feed) - (nutrietn/ marker in feces) / nutirent / marker in feed
advantages: less labour intensive, small sample, wild animals
true digesability
swtich to a 0 nutreitn diet, analyze until previous diet is cleared
true digestibility coeffecient = (nutrient/marker in feed) - (nutirent/feces - nutrient/feces after 0 nutirent diet) / (nutrient/marker in feed
gross energy, digesable energy, metablizable energy, net energy
gross energy: max amount, heat of combustion
digestiable energy: gross energy x apparent digestibility
fat - 95%, protein 92%, CHO 97%
metabloic energy: GE x apparent digestability, (same as DE), protein 1.25 kcal/g loss in urine
net energy: ME- heat increment of food
basal metabloic
kcal/24 hours, realtes to lean mass (bone, muscle, organs)
BMR = A x M^0.75
A- metabolically active tissue
M- body weight in kg
physical activity energy expenditure
seditary 1.2
mad 1.55
extra active 1.9
measuring totoal energy expenditure - indirect
measure O2, CO2, urinary N loss
RQ= Co2 produced/ O2 used
need to measure protein component
carb RQ= 1
fat RQ= 0.8
proetin RQ= 0.82
fisher projection to haworth
left up, right down
3 forms of glucose
linear, alpha (1/3, beta (2/3)
glucose alpha 1- 2 beta fructose
non reducing
galatose b1-4 glucose (alpha or beta)
glucose alpha 1-4 glucose (alpha or beta)
dietary and functional
beta 1,4 glucose units
poorly fermented by bacteria
bran legumes, nute, peas
hemi cellulose
alpha or beta pentoses and hexoses
solubility depends on sugar comp
bran, whole grains
dietary and functionality
backbone of unbranched alpha-1,4 F galaturonic acid
hihgly fermented
rich in fruits
fully resistant starch
non digested by humans, resistant to amylase activity
brush boarder enzymes
sucrase (invertase), isomaltase (alpha-dexinase), lactase, maltase
absoprtion of fructose and glucose
fructose- GLUT5, GLUT2, easy to move through blood since very low conentration
glucose and galatose- SGLT1-GLUT2, harder to move glucose due to 6mM concentration, early in S.I some glucose by facilitated diffusion