Nursing Theorists (Theories First) Flashcards
Environmental Theory
Florence Nightingale
Theory of Interpersonal Relations
Hildegard Perplau
14 Basic Needs/ Nursing Need Theory
Virginia Henderson
Patient – Centered Approaches to Nursing Model / 21 Nursing Problems
Faye Glenn Abdellah
The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
Ernestine Weidenbach
Three Compnent of Nursing : Care, Core and Cure Theory
Lydia Hall
Human-to-Human Relationship Model/ Interpersonal Aspect of Nursing Model
Joyce Travelbee
Nursing Process Theory/ The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship Model
Ida Jean Orlando
Human Caring Model
Jean Watson
Skill Acquisition (Novice to Expert)/Caring, Clinical Wisdom, and Ethics in Nursing Practice
Patrcia Benner
Four Conservation Principles / Conservation Model for Nursing
Myra Estrine Levine
Science of Unitary Human Beings / Theory of Human Beings
Martha Rogers
Self-Care Theory
Dorothea Orem
Goal Attainment Theory
Imogene King
Health care System Model
Betty Neuman
Behavioral System Model
Dorothy Johnson
Adaptation Model of Nursing
Sister Callista Roy
Nursing as Caring theory: A Model for Transforming Practice
Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhoffer
Health Promotion Model
Nola Pender
Culture Care Theory of Diversity and Universality /Transcultural Nursing Model
Madelline Leininger
Health as Expanding Consciousness
Margaret Neuman
The theory of Human Becoming
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
Modeling and Role-Modeling
Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin and Mary ann Swain
Maternal Role Attainment-Becoming a Mother
Ramona Mercer
Life Perspective Rhythm Model is a nursing model
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
Humanistic Nursing
Josephine E. Paterson & Loretta Zderad
Child Health Assessment Model
Kathryn E. Bernard
Theory of Bureaucratic Caring
Marilyn Ann Ray
Philosophy of Caring
Kari Martisen
Theory of Carative Caring
Katie Erikson
Uncertainty in Illness Theory
Merle Mishel
Theory of Comfort
Katharine Kalcaba
Post Partum Depression Theory
Cheryl Tatano Beck
Theory of Caring
Kristen Swanson
Peaceful End-of-Life Theory
Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore
CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model
Sister Carolina Agravante
Composure Theory
Carmelita Divinagracia
Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model
Sister Letty Kuan
Preapre Me: Interventions and the Quality of Life Advance Progressive Cancer Patients
Carmencita Abaquin
Theory of Nursing Practice and Career
Cecilia Marcaida Laurente
Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing
Rozzano Locsin