Nursing Theories Flashcards
(12) Shannon - Information Theory
Information Theory
(2)Transmission through a channel
Entropy - amount of energy, code or bits to store one symbol
Cognitive Development
I - Reflexes 0-1 months
II-reflexes replaced by voluntary. 1-4 months
III- develop sense of time and person 4-8 months
IV- object permanence 9-12 months
V- develop rational judgement 13-18 months
VI- sense of exaggerated time 18-24 months
Preoperational - egocentric, poor logic 2-7 years
concrete operational - cause and effect understood 7-11 years
formal operational - abstract thought 11+
Psychosocial development
Psychosocial development
Trust v mistrust - 0-1
autonomy vs shame and doubt - 1-3
initiative vs. guilt 3-6
Industry vs. Inferiority 6-12
Identify vs. role confusion 12-18
Intimacy vs. Isolation YA
Generativity vs. stagnation Middle age
Ego integrity vs. despair Older adult
theory of cognitive dissonance
theory of cognitive dissonance
beliefs and Ideas are more likely to change than actions or behaviors
attribution theory
Attribution theory
View own achievements as hard work and others as luck
Theory of cognitive flexibility
information must be presented in a variety of ways. Goal is to build knowledge instead of transfer information.
Theory of Multiple intelligences
Theory of multiple intelligences
Interpersonal - with others
Intrapersonal - self aware
Science of Unitary Human beings
Science of Unitary Human Beings
Humans are energy fields that can be identified by patterns and characteristics. Human must be viewed as unified whole
Interpersonal relations model
Interpersonal relations model
quality of nurse-client relationship. Environment can affect health - positive or negative.
General Theory of Nursing
-General Theory of Nursing
Self care
self care - universal needs(food, air) developmental needs and health needs
self care deficit - person can’t take care of themselves
Nursing - actions to fulfill self care needs
Total person systems model
Total Person systems model
Circle of variables provide defense (e.g. physiological, psychological etc.)
STRESSORS forces may provide positive or negative reactions
Nursing process theory
Nursing Process theory
Nurse must determine patients real needs. When needs are met distress is decreased.
Crisis theory
Crisis theory
Stress related events are a turning point. Crisis managament by nurse, social worker etc. helps reach resolution.
Transcultural theory of nursing
Transcultural theory of Nursing
Response to illness is rooted in cultural beliefs
Philosophy of Human Caring
Philosophy of Human caring
10 caritas - kindness, personal spritual practice, teaching etc.
Stages of Clinical competence
Stages of Clinical competence
Advanced beginner -
Competent - 2-3 years
Expert - wealth of knowledge
Systems Theory
Systems Theory ITO EF
All systems and their relationship need to be understood
throughput - actions that transform input
output -
Evaluation - monitoring of success or failure
feedback - to evaluate the end result
Family systems theory
Family systems theory
must look at family - each has a different role in family
Triangle theory - two people, but with conflict requires a third
Complex adaptive theory
Adaptive systems that are self adjusting are able to avoid chaos. Tend to favor effectiveness over efficiency.
Organizational(OD) model of change
Organizational model of change
focus on the entire culture of the ORG rather than change individual behavior
Change Theory
Change Theory
Unfreezing - motivation to change
Unfrozen - desire to change
Refreezing - develop permanent change
Frozen -
Theory of reasoned action
Theory of reasoned action
Actions can be predicted -
Attitudes - attitudes about an action, some more important than others
subjective norms - people influenced by family, friends
behavioral intention - weight attitudes and subjective norms when acting
Theory of planned behavior
Evolved from the theory of reasoned action. Studies showed that behavior intention does not always result in action.
-lead to attitudes toward a behavior
-control beliefs lead to percieved behavior control
or in otherwords all beliefs interact to influence actions
(1)Social exchange theory
(2)Spiral science theory
(3) face negotiation theory
(1)Social exchange theory - communucation is an exchange where you attempt to get an ROI
(2)Spiral science theory - looks at the role mass media influences communication
(3)face -negotiation theory - cultures are concerned with maintaining “face”
(1)Communication accommodation theory
(2)Cultivation theory
(1)communication accommodation theory - why do people alter their communication styles? e.g. they may change their accent, seeking approval
(2)cultivation theory - what effect does TV have on ideas and beliefs? affects perception of reality
Adult Learning theories
(1)Pecks theory of adult development
(1)Peck expanded on Ericksons stages - believes there were 7 phases in the last two stages
Middle age:
-Mental flex vs mental rigidity
-valuing wisdom vs. physical powers
-socializing v. sexualizing
-cathetic flex vs. cathetic impoverishment
Older adult:
-ego vs work role
-body transcendence vs. body preoccupation
-ego transcendence vs. ego preoccupation
Adult learning theories
Havinghurts theory of adult development
-Early adult
-Middle age
-Older adult
Early adult - Tasks include finding a mate, having children, starting occupation or profession, civic responsibility, finding a social group
Middle age - maintaining a standard of living, teen agers, leisure activities, coping with aging and old parents
Older adult - adjusting to decreased physical strength and health, death of spouse, reduced income, senior social group, living arrangements
Adult learning theories
Knowles theory of Andragogy - what should an instructor consider when teaching?
(1)practical and goal oriented
(1)practical and goal oriented - remain organized with goal in mind. use collaborative discussions with problem solving
(2)Self-directed - provide active involvement, asking for input. Give responsibilties
(3)Knowledgeable - show respect for life experiences and EDU. Validate their knowledge. relate material to things they are familiar with.
(4)Relevancy-oriented - clearly ID objectives
(5)Motivated - provide certificate of achievement
Adult Learning theories
Blooms Taxonomy
(1) Cognitive KCA ASE
(2) Affective - way we deal emotionally
(3) Psychomotor
(1) Cognitive - Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
(2) Affective - receiving(accepting the need to learn) responsing (taking active part in care), valuing (understanding value of independant care), organizing(understanding how treatment has improved life), Internalizing (accepting conditions as part of life)
(3) Psychomotor -Mastering 6 motor skills necessary for independance
-Perception - use sensory info to learn tasks
-set - shows willingness to perform tasks
-guided response - follows directions
-mechanism - does specific tasks
-adaptation - modifies procedure as needed
-origination - creatively deals with problems
Adult learning theories
Banduras theory of social learning
-Attention -
-Retention -
- Motivation -
(1)Learning develops from observation, organizing and rehearsing behavior that has been modeled.
-Attention - attention paid depends on many variables (e.g. physical, social)
-Retention - depends on ability to organize thoughts
-Reproduction - ability to reproduce model depends on physical and mental capabilities
- Motivation - rewards, past performances