Nursing As A Science And An Art Flashcards
is a combination of scientific knowledge, compassion, and respect for human dignity.
Based on a framework of
caring and dignity
Acknowledges the dynamic processes of spirituality, healing, empathy and
mutual respect
Embraces healing through compassion, helping, competence, being present, tolerance, acceptance and
Nursing as an Art
Based on critical thinking • Requires clinical decision-
Relies on evidence to guide
Uses strategies to provide
optimal outcomes
Nursing as a Science
________ and ________ are so intertwined that nursing would not be nursing without it
Nursing and Caring
is sharing deep and genuine concern about the welfare of another person.
The six C of Caring in nursing
- Compassion
- competence
- confidence
-Conscience - commitment
- comportment
Awareness of one’s relationship to others, sharing their joys, sor- rows, pain, and accomplishments. Participation in the experience
of another.
Having the “knowledge, judgment, skills, energy, experience and motivation required to respond adequately to the demands of one’s professional responsibilities” (Roach, 2013, p. 172).
Comfort with self, client, and others that allows one to build trust ing relationships.
Morals, ethics, and an informed sense of right and wrong. Awareness of personal responsibility.
The deliberate choice to act in accordance with one’s desires as well as obligations, resulting in investment of self in a task or cause.
Appropriate bearing, demeanor, dress, and language that are in harmony with a caring presence. Presenting oneself as someone who respects others and demands respect.
means taking the time to nurture oneself. This involves initiating and maintaining behaviors that promote healthy living and well-being.
Caring for self
focuses on care of the self in the deepest sense. Each person is unique and possesses individual strengths and weaknesses.
Self - care
The Seld is composed of 4 aspects
Self - concept
Self - esteem
Social Self
Any deliberate activity that we do in an effort to provide for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is important for workers in every field, but especially for nurses, who spend their working hours caring for others.
the basic element of human interactions that allows people to establish, maintain and improve contacts with others.
The word communication originates from ‘communis’, a Greek word, meaning
‘to make common’
The word communication originates from ‘__________’, a Greek word, meaning ‘to make common’.
transmission and receiving information, feelings and or attitudes with the overall purpose of having understood producing a response.
According to him “Communication is a means of persuasion to influence the other so that the desired effect is achieved.”
According to him Communication is “a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a ‘common understanding’ of meaning, intent and use of a message.”
Paul Leagens
What are the main components of the nursing process
Sender (source)
Message (content)
Channel (s) (medium)
Receiver (audience)
Feedback (effect)
is the originator of the message.
formulates, encodes and transmits the information which he/she wants to communicate.
the information/desired behaviour in physical form which the communicator transmits to his audience to receive, understand, accept and act upon.
the “physical bridge” or the media of communication between sender and the receiver.
Channels of Communication
Channels can be:
◦Interpersonal (face to face communication) may be
verbal or non-verbal, or
◦Mass media TV, radio, printed media etc.
Who receives messages from the sender, decoding, interprets the meaning and giving feedback.
It is the flow of information from receiver to the sender, the reaction to the message.
the traditional way of communication by mouth.
Language is the chief vehicle of communication.
Verbal communication also involves written words.
Verbal communication
communication occur other than words.
facial expression, gesture, touch and vocal tone
Non - verbal communication
is a collection of techniques that prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional well-beingof patients. Nurses provide patients with support and information while maintaining a level of professional distance and objectivity.
Therapeutic communication
is a system of activities intended to produce learning. The Nursing process is intentionally designed to produce specific learning.
Institutional Nursing (Hospital Staff Nursing)
Community Health Nursing (School Nursing/Industrial Nursing/Public Health Nursing
Independent Nursing Practice - care without mandated supervision from a physician
Nursing in Education Nursing in Other Fields
Administer every type of anesthetic, work in every type of practice setting and provide care for every type of operation or procedure - from open heart surgery to pain management programs.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Study various aspects of health, illness, and health care. By designing and implementing scientific studies, they look for ways to improve health, healthcare services, and healthcare outcomes. Part of the job description would be identifying research questions, designing and conducting scientific studies, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting their findings.
Nurse Researcher
Provide consultation and care to patients suffering with mental health and psychiatric disorders. They treat patients diagnosed with conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.
Psychiatric nurse
Primary care provider for expectant women who are healthy enough to sustain child birth without complications or high risk.
Certified Nurse Midwife
The nurses within this field care for young children (infant to teenager) suffering from endocrine diseases and disorders, including adrenal, thyroid and pituitary problems.
Certified Nurse Midwife
Provide care for patients who suffer from musculoskeletal ailments including arthritis, diabetes, and joint replacement issues.
Orthopedic Nurse
Advanced practice registered nurses who provide care to patients throughout the lifespan, from premature newborns to the elderly.
They perform comprehensive and focused physical examinations; diagnose and treat common acute illnesses and injuries
Nurse Practitioner
are Advanced Practice nurses who hold a master’s or doctoral degree in a specialized area of nursing practice. Their
area of clinical expertise may be in: a population (e.g. pediatrics, geriatrics,
women’s health); a setting (e.g. critical care, emergency room); a disease or medical sub-specialty (e.g. diabetes, oncology); a type of care (e.g. psychiatric, rehabilitation); or a type of health problem (e.g. pain, wounds, stress).
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Work with elderly patients, diagnosing illness, conducting
exams, and prescribing medication
Gerontological Practitioner
Works with newborn infants born with a variety of problems ranging from prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and surgical problems.
Neonatal nurses
Dr. Patricia Benner’s Stages of
Nursing Expertise
Advanced beginner
No experience (nursing student). Performance is limited and governed by context-free rules and regulations rather than experience.
Demonstrates marginally acceptable performance.
Recognises the meaningful “aspects” of a real situation.
Has experienced enough real situations to make judgements about them.
Advanced beginner
Has two or three years of experience. Demonstrates organizational and planning abilities.
Differentiates important factors from less important aspects of care.
Coordinates multiple complex care demands
Has three to five years of experience.
Perceives situations as a whole rather than in terms of parts, as in stage II.
Uses maxims as guides for what to consider in a situation.
Has holistic understanding of the client, which improves decision making.
Focuses long-term goals
Performance is fluid, flexible and highly proficient; no longer requires rules, guidelines, or maxims to connect an understanding of the situation to appropriate action.
Demonstrates highly skilled intuitive and analytic ability in new situations.
Is inclined to take certain action because it “felt right”.