NURSING 102 FINAL Flashcards
How is jaundice best assessed in an infant with a dark skin tone?
assess the color of the palate or mucus membranes.
What is the Apgar scoring
A- appearance (skin color) 0 if blue gray 1 if the color is pinky body with blue hands and feet 2 if the entire body is pink
P- pulse 0 if no pulse 1 if less than 100 BPM 2 if over 100 BPM
G- reflexes 0 if no response 1 if grimaces 2 If the baby grimaces coughs pulls away or sneezes
A- is for activity (muscle tone) 0 if limp or weak movements 1 is if some movements of arms and legs 2 is active movements
R- respiration 0 if not breathing 1 if slow or irregular breathing, a weak cry 2 normal breathing rate and effort and strong cry
what are some safety precautions with sids
nothing in crib but baby, no smoking around baby, no sleeping outside of car in the car seat, baby sleep on back until they can roll themselves, no co-sleeping
What is sids
Sudden infant death syndrome
what are Signs of respiratory distress in an infant
expiratory grunting, nasal flaring, chest wall retractions, seesaw respirations, generalized cyanosis, HR >150-180, fine crackles, tachypnea (>60) Silverman-anderson score >7, Increases fussiness, decreased feeding ability
How is fetal Circulation different from Infant circulation? what changes must occur to transition from intrauterine circulation to extrauterine circulation?
happens with very first breath, increased pulmonary blood flow change from placenta to pulmonary gas exchange,
Instant closure of the foremen ovals, ductus arteriosus, ductus venous, cord clamping of cord arteries and vein.
circulation switches from left to right in utero to right to left after the first breath
What causes high bilirubin in an infant? What is happening at cellular level?
results from overproduction of bilirubin chichis the end product of hemoglobin breakdown
levels rise in newborns by 3 ways: increased production, decreased removal and increased reabsorption,
production increased after birth bc of a shortened lifespan of a RBC (70 days infant 90 adult )
what are negative effects of heat loss in an infant
Hypoglycemia, hypothermia, causes the baby to burn more calories than they can get in at that time
what assessment finding are consistence with a 32week gestation infant
weight under 5.5 scrawny appearance, poor muscle tone, minimal subq fat, undefended testes,plentiful lanugo, poorly formed ear pinna, fused eyelids,
soft spongy skull bones, ,acted scalp hair, absent to few creases in palms and soles, minimal scrotal rugae, prominiate clitoris and labia, thin transparent skin, abundant vernix
what assessments are consistent with a 42 week gestation infant
dry cracked skin, possible meconium stained, Long thin extremities, long nails, creases cover entire soles of feet, wide alert expression, abundant hair on scalp, thin umbilical cord, limited vernix and lanugo
what is needed to to be classified as small for gestational age
weigh less than 5.8 at term, weight falls below the 10th percentile for length, weight or head circumference on growth chart,
can be preterm or post term
what is needed to be classified as small for gestational age
weight > 8.13. lg body, plump, full faced, proportional increase in body size, poor fine motor skills, difficulty regulating behavioral stress that could be caused by fluctuations in glucose
What is PKU and when do you screen for it
it is a blood test screening given to newborns 24-3 days after birth,
you take care of a 5 hr pp mom and notice a lesion on her mouth that is consistent with herpes lesion what would be used to treat the infant
antiviral medication acyclovir
Describe the 4 different degrees of perineal lacerations.
1st- involves only skin and superficial structures above muscle
2nd- extends through perineal muscle
3rd- extends through the anal spinchter muscle
4th- continues through anterior rectal wall.