Nunn's Chapter 3 Flashcards
What causes respiratory system volume to decrease
Elastic forces of lung cause resp system to want to collapse. An isolated lung prep will collapse til all air is expelled
What causes respiratory system volume to decrease
Thoracic cage wants to expand. Will expand to 1 litre above FRC if chest is opened. This force counteracts the lungs desire to colpse
5 factors that impede CHANGES in lung volume
1-elastic resistance of lung and chest wall
What are the “frictional resistances”? (3)
frictional resistance to gas flow
What are the “elastic resistances”?
elastic resistace of lung and chest wall (“elastance”)
Define lung compliance
change in lung volume per unit change in transmural pressure gradient (diff between alveolar and pleural pressures)
normal values of lung compliance
150 ml/cmH2O
difference between static and dynamic compliance
static - measured when volume held fixed (no flow)
How do we show that surfactant improves compliance?
immersion in saline decreases elastance
What is Law of Laplace, how does surfactant alter this?
P = 2T/R
Why is surfactant important for alveolar stability
Decreases tendency of small alveoli to get smaller and decreases tendency of big alveoli to get bigger (which is what Law of Laplace predicts. Surfactant modifies it’s own surface tension to counteract this
What is surfactant made of, and made where?
80% dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (hydrophobic)
Problems with bubble model of surfactant?
i) if liquid layer in alveoli is contiguous and continuous, how can tension vary?
Alternates to bubble model of surfactant?
Hill’s morpological model - discontinuous, and forms wet and dry areas
Draw transmural pressure gradient t different lung volumes
What are the differences in alveolar size and transmural pressures at different heights in the lung? What is the gradient in TMP (amount).
upper lung alvoli are larger and have a higher transmural pressure gradient than lower ones, as pleural pressure is less. Grient in TMP, and peural pressure, is about 1cm per 3cm of depth n healthy lung.
what does “time dependence of pulmonary elastic behavior” mean?
when a lung is inflated, pressure drops initially, due to gas flow and viscoelastic energy redistribution. Essentially it is the difference between dynamic and static compliance. This is effected by respiratory rate
What is hysteresis? Effect of tidal volume size on hysteresis?
P-V curves between inflation and deflation are different. Imply that it takes slightly more energy than expected to inflate lungs, and slightly less energy is released during expiration than is expected.
Causes of time dependence of pulmonary elastic behavior?
1) Surfactant activity - surface tension is greater at lrger lung volumes
List 8 factors that effect LUNG compliance
1 - lung volume. Can make constant by expressing as “specific compliance” (compliance/FRC)
3) What are normal values?
1) need all muscles to be relaxed - difficult to acheive with diaphragm, as it has some resting tone. Therefore paralysis is best option
Factors that alter thoracic cage compliance
Ribs - ossification
Formula for total compliance of resp system. Values in paralysed patient?
1/Ctotal = 1/Clung + 1/Cthoracic cage
Formula for resp system elastance? Normal values?
Etotal = Elung + Ethoracic cage
2) Residual Volume
1) TLC = volume of gas at end of maximal voluntary inspiration. Balance of forces. At end-insp., expiratory musces are contracting strongly
2) Factors effecting FRC?
1 - lung vol at end of normal expiration
Draw diagram of static lung volumes
Define closing capacity
reduction in lung volume below a
Relationship between FRC and closing capacity and age and body position
FRC decreases with supine position, while CC doesn’t, therefore CC will exceed FRC in some pts - causing shunt during normal breathing and therefore hypoxia. Seen in anesthesia and ICU
Effect of age on FRC and CC relationship.
CC increases with age and can eventually equal FRC. In upright position, this occurs at 66 years, in supine at 44 years. Causes decrease on arterial PaO2 with normal aging.
How is compliance calculated? What pressure values are used for transpulmonary and chest wall compliances?
Change in volume divided by change in pressure gradient.
How is pleural pressure measured?
Assumed to be equivalent to esophageal pressure. By convention, 32-35cm beyond nares.
Best subject positions for measuring lung and total compliance?
upright is best for lung compliance. Supine and paralysed for total compliance.