Numerosity, Transitive Inference and Object Permenance Flashcards
Give three examples of time based phenomena
Circadian rhythms
Interval timing
Episodic memory
Are circadian rhythms always 24hours?
No - wild caught mice in constant conditions show free running circadian rhythms, an endogenous biological clock
- when 12hour light/dark regime instigated, activity adjusted (ENTRAINMENT) , adjusting internal rhythm by external factors
- transient environmental changes can mask rhythm eg. eclipse - birds stop singing, predator - wake up
What is another word for an entraining agent, able to alter innate circadian rhythms?
How is interval timing usually studied?
Operant conditioning procedures - eg. rats and levers, stop/start clock
- “Peak procedure” - fixed interval reinforcement schedule - rate of pressing will increase up until rewards (scallop pattern of response)
- Roberts 1981 - if some empty trials are incorporated where rewards not received, pressing declines after 30 seconds showing some concept of time
- Webers law, longer the time, less accurate the responses
- “Time left procedure” - Gibbon and Church 1981 - as time goes on less of the responses are directed towards the lever (?) look up
What does Webers law state?
Longer the time you are trying to count, less accurate the responses
Give a study showing episodic like memory in non humans
Clayton and Dickinson 1998 - Scrub jays - remember when food items are stored, searching preferentially for wax worms if fresh but ignoring if had been a long time and worms had gone off
How may understanding of time have implications for animal welfare?
Lighting regimes in animal housing
Feeding regimes in animal housing
- eg. Haskell 2000, effect of delayed feeding on post-feeding behaviour of sows
What is the “cardinal number”
Count total number of objects in set
How was initial numerical competence investigated?
Anthropocentric - using numerons to denote numbers and leaving the impression that most numosity related abilities are human specific. (Davies and Memmot 1982)
How did Gallistel 1993 describe numerical competence?
“not surprising if number is taken as a mental primitive rather than something extracted from the brain with difficulty and long experience”
How has numerical competence been evaluated in lions?
McComb 1994 - Relative numbers of lions in a pride to number of roars heard on speaker impact likelihood of approach to speaker
How has numerical competence been investigated in rats? What are other interpretations of their response?
Meck and Church 1983
8 pulses -> press lever x
2 pulses -> press lever y
Confound of duration rather than number
So repeated will 2 long tones v 8 short ones (take up same duration) and 2 v long tones v 8 v short ones (take up inverse duration as should do)
Performed equally as well
- breukelaar and dalrymple-Alford 1998 found discrepancies between temporal and numerical counting in rats with measurement of time taking precedence over numerosity.
Under what circumstances are differences in numerosities detected more readily?
Analogue magnitude system -
When they are small - ratio between them is larger than the same absolute difference between two big numbers
- fuzzy Webers’ Law based discrimination system
What is the object tracking (file) system?
Applied to small number sets only (typically 3/4)
Precise discrimination - ratio or absolute difference doesn’t matter
When does number become “hard” according to Feigenson 2004?
When going beyond the analogue magnitude and object tracking systems
- for larger numbers, verbal or symbolic representation is necessary which takes many years to learn, differs between cultures and some people lack all together
- as number becomes more abstract, incorporating fraction etc. they move further from the intuitive sense of number provided by core systems
Which animal other than humans that have learned to count is able to label quantities precisely with words or symbols?
Alex the parrot (Pepperberg 1994)
- how many keys?
- How many blue items?
What is transitive inference?
If A>B and B>C then subjects given the choice should choose A over C
- Pigeons and rats do
- > Other interpretation that A has been reinforced before whereas C has not
- Von Fersen 1991 invented 5-element procedure where all elements are reinforced equally in respect to each other - still chose B
- > “value transfer” as B has been paired with winner A whereas D has been paired with loser E
- Zentall 2001 -if A v B is reinforced 100% time, and C v D reinforced 50% time then B v D -> B chosen indicating value transfer
How does transitive inference have implications for animal welfare?
Pas y Mino 2004 - Pinyon jays use transitive inference to predict social hierachy
- > Dominance hierachy and social structure and management of animals in larger groups
- > Evidence that large stable social groups have increased cognitive abilities
What is object permanence?
Knowledge that objects still exit when they are out of sight
What did Piaget develop with respect to child development?
Six stages of object permanence - to begin with out of sight is out of mind
Older infants search for object but cannot cope with displacement
2 years + can cope with invisible displacement
- many non human animals show different levels of object permanence
How may species learn object permanence?
Searching using trial and error eg. chicks Other species (parrots, dogs, great apes, corvids) can cope with invisible displacement