Numbers/Dates/Time Flashcards
-numbers 16-19 an 21-29 are expressed by combining numbers into one word
ex: 16 = dieciseis (diez y seis) or
22 = veintidos (veinte y dos)
-dieciseis, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve
-veintiuno, veintidos, veintitres, veinticuatro, veinticinco
veintiseis, veintisiete, venitiocho, veintinueve
- do not combine with the next number, express as individual words
ex: 34 = treinta y cuatro
-when a masculine noun follows the number the O is dropped from uno(1)
Ex: veintiún, treinta y un, cuarenta y un, cincuenta y un, sesenta y un, setenta y un, ochenta y un, noventa y un
- when a feminine noun follows the number the O changes to A
Ex: veintiuna, treinta y una, cuarenta y una, cincuenta y una, sesenta y una, setenta y una, ochenta y una, noventa y una
100 - 999
- 100 = cien
- 101-199 = ciento
- 200 - 999 = number + cientos
ex: 315 = tres cientos y quince - 200-999 agree with the noun they modify (os/as)
- do not use Y to connect hundreds = number
ex: 110 = ciento diez
-cien, doscientos, trescientos, cuatrocientos, quinientos,
seiscientos, setecientos, ochocientos, novecientos
-1000 = mil
- do not count in hundreds
1995=1000+ 900+ 95(mil novecientos noventa y cinco)
-mil does not change or need an UN in front of it
-miles (plural) is only used to refer to a large but inexact amount similar to the english tons
- periods seperate thousands comma is used for decimals
ex: 1,000 = 1.000 $5.25 = $5,25
Ordinal numbers
-primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno, décimo
-agree in gender of noun they describe/use el/la
ex: masculine noun = drop O
feminine noun = change O to A
-use for royalty, popes and centuries - they will follow the noun
ex: the second century = el siglo segundo
Charles the fifth = Carlos Quinto
-11th and up go after the noun and uses the regular number
ex: 11th street = la calle once
50th floor = el piso cincuenta
-regular numbers for days of month 2 - 31
- primero = 1st day of the month
ex : el primero del mayo = may 1st
la hora
What time is it?
- Qué hora es?
indicate approximate time
-2 concepts
- a eso de
ex: Es a eso de una = it´s about 1 o´clock - mas o menos
ex: Son las cinco, mas o menos = it´s 5 o´clock, mor or less
which verb do you use to tell time? which form/s?
-Ser-third person singular/plural(use la/las)
ex: es la una = it is 1 o´clock
son las cinco = it is 5 o´clock
when telling time how do you specify part of the day?
-de la mañana/tarde/noche after the time
how do you indicate exact hour(sharp)?
- exactamenty = exactly
- en punto = sharp/on the dot
- use after the time
express time after/before the hour
-add/subtract minutes to the hour
- hour Y minutes
ex: son las dos y cinco = it is 2:05 - hour MENOS minutes
ex: son las tres menos dies = it´s 3:50
indicate quarter after/til the hour
-quince = 15
-cuarto = quarter
ex: son las tres y quince = it´s three fifteen
es la una y cuarto = it´s a quarter after one
son las quince para diez = it´s fifteen minutes til ten
son las cuarto para cinco = it´s a quarter til five
indicate half past the hour
-treinta = thirty
-media =half
ex: son las ocho y treinta = 8:30
son las seis y media = 6:30
indicate something happening at a certain time
-a = at
ex: A qué hora? = at what time?
a las doce = at 12 o´clock
-indicate minutes as normal