Contains up to 10 transistors or a few gates within a
single package such as AND, OR, NOT gates.
Small Scale Integration or (SSI)
Contains between 10 and 100 transistors or tens of
gates within a single package and perform digital
operations such as adders, decoders, counters, flip-
flops and multiplexers.
Medium Scale Integration or (MSI)
Contains between 100 and 1,000 transistors or
hundreds of gates and perform specific digital
operations such as I/O chips, memory, arithmetic and
logic units.
Large Scale Integration or (LSI)
Contains between 1,000 and 10,000 transistors or
thousands of gates and perform computational operations
such as processors, large memory arrays and
programmable logic devices.
Very-Large Scale Integration or (VLSI)
Contains between 10,000 and 100,000 transistors within a single package and perform computational operations such as microprocessor chips, micro-controllers, basic PICs and calculators
Super-Large Scale Integration or (SLSI)
Contains more than 1 million transistors - those that are used in computers CPUs, GPUs, video processors,
microcontrollers, FPGAs and complex PICs
Ultra-Large Scale Integration or (ULSI)
2 GATES Gates that are considered as the universal gates for they can be wired to function like any other gate
NAND Gate and the NOR Gate
It is a language system
consisting of an ordered set of symbols called
DIGITS with defined rules for different mathematical
number system
____ of a number
system specifies the actual number
of digits included in its order
radix or base
It is a collection of digits
included in its ordered set.
The number is expressed as the sum of powers of r
multiplied by their corresponding coefficients, a.
Polynomial Notation
The number is expressed as coefficients of power
of r are presented. It is done by placing the
number side by side
juxtapositional notation
The method of representing decimal numbers is known as
Decimal Number System