Number Properties: Divisibility Flashcards
Divisible by 2
Units digit is even: {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}.
Divisible by 9
Sum of digits is divisible by 9.
Divisible by 3
Sum of digits is divisible by 3.
Divisible by 4
2-digit number at the end is divisible by 4. Alternatively, X is a number made up of digits a…bc. If the last 2 digits of the number, bc, mod 4 = 0, then X is divisible by 4. If b is odd, then X is divisible by 4 if c is 2 or 6. If b is even, then X is divisible by 4 if c is 0, 4, or 8.
Divisible by 10
Units digit is zero (0).
Divisible by 6
The number is divisible by 2 (even) and by 3.
Divisible by 5
Units digit is zero (0) or 5.
Divisible by 7
X is a number made up of digits a…bc. If (a…b - 2*c) mod 7 = 0 then X is divisible by 7. This process can be applied recursively.
Divisible by 8
X is a number made up of digits a…bcd. If the last 3 digits of the number, bcd, mod 8 = 0, then X is divisible by 8. If b is even then, X is divisible by 8 if cd mod 8 = 0. If b is odd then, X is divisible by 8 if (cd - 4) mod 8 = 0.
Divisible by 11
Alternating difference/sum is divisible by 11. Alternatively, X is a number made up of digits abcd. If (((a - b) + c) - d) mod 11 = 0, then X is divisible by 11.
Divisible by 12
The number is divisible both by 3 and by 4.