Number Properties Flashcards
Divisible by 2
Divisible by 3
Sum of digits is divisible by 3
Divisible by 4
Divisible by 2 twice, or the last two digits are divisible by 4
Divisible by 5
Ends is 5 or 0
Divisible by 6
Divisible by 2 and 3
Divisible by 8
Divisible by 2 three times, or the last three digits are divisible by 8
Divisible by 9
Sum of digits is divisible by 9
Divisible by 10
Ends in 0
What is a factor?
A factor is a positive integer that divides evenly into an integer
What is a multiple?
Is the number formed by multiplying the number by another number
What is the founder foundation rule?
If A is a factor of B, and B is a factor of C, then A is a factor of C
What is a dividend?
The number being divided
8/5 (8 divided by 5)
8 is the dividend
Dividend = Quotient x Divisor + Remainder
Dividend = Multiple of Divisor + Remainder
What is a divisor?
The number that is dividing
8/5 (8 divided by 5)
5 is the divisor
What is a quotient?
The number of times that the divisor goes into the dividend completely (the whole number if the division contains a remainder)
Even +/- Even = ?
“If they’re the same, the sum will be even. If they’re not the same, the sum will be odd”
Odd +/- Odd = ?
“If they’re the same, the sum will be even. If they’re not the same, the sum will be odd”
Even +/- Odd = ?
“If they’re the same, the sum will be even. If they’re not the same, the sum will be odd”
Even x Even = ?
“If one even number is present, the product will be even. If you only have odd numbers, the product wil be odd.”
Note: there are no rules for division
Even x Odd = ?
“If one even number is present, the product will be even. If you only have odd numbers, the product wil be odd.”
Note: there are no rules for division
Odd x Odd = ?
“If one even number is present, the product will be even. If you only have odd numbers, the product wil be odd.”
Note: there are no rules for division
-A x B x -C = Positive or Negative?
Odd number of negative signs means negative. An even number of negative signs means positive