Number 4 Flashcards
What is the subtitle of third John?
Receive true teachers
Who is the author of third John?
The apostle John
The recipients of third John are____ And the local church in which he was a leader or pastor. This was a common first century name and should not be equated with any other New Testament references to individuals by the same name.
Local support of traveling missionaries by churches was vital to the spread of Christianity. However, petty jealousies, pride and desire for personal power had lead some domineering local church members to resent these traveling preachers, and even the apostle John himself.. This is the background of III John.
III John is an encouragement for the church to_____ True pastors, and missionaries. it revolves around three key individuals and exhorter, an egotist and an example
Support - This is the content of III John
The theme of III John is our duty to ____ and support true teachers
The purpose of III John is to be a rebuke on all individuals who would seek to____or ____ The local church or the preacher
Run or control
John wrote II John to protect the truth by denying the support of false teachers. He wrote III John to ______ the truth through supplying the support of genuine Christian teachers
In II John he dealt with the problem of welcoming deceivers; in III John he discusses the error of not receiving believers
III John is the second____ book of the English Bible. It’s message is vital concerning the support of missionaries.
John rejoiced because_____ believed the truth
John rejoice because_____ Lived the truth
John rejoiced because Gaius ____ the truth
Who was the domineering dictator in III John?
Gaius opened his home for which John congratulate him. ______ opposed this practice and John censors him for it.