Nuggets Flashcards
first line treatment of onychomycosis
terbinafine or itraconazole
types of esophageal CA
adenocarcinoma - distal to mid *GERD
SCC - upper *alcohol, tobacco
patients with late life depression are at greater risk for: ?
alzheimer disease and vascular dementia
what medications are used acutely and for prevention for patients with cirrhosis and variceal hemorrhage?
acute - IV octreotide
chronic - BB
Both decrease elevated portal venous P
treatment of ureterolithiasis associated with infection, AKI, or severe pain and has failed initial measures?
decompression with percutaneous nephrostomy or ureteral stent placement
tick paralysis etiology
neurotoxins in the tick saliva are transmitted to host over 4-7 days of tick attachment
tx = tick removal
iritis = ?
anterior uveitis
modifiable risk factors for c diff (2)
recent abx
gastric acid suppression
UTI abx contraindicated in pregnancy (3)
meds that should be started at time of dx of peripheral artery disease (2)
chronic pancreatitis
sxs = abdominal pain (relieved by sitting up) + fat malabsorption dx = MRCP or abd CT showing pancreatic calcifications
cluster HA
- men
- episodic HA 1-8x/day over period of weeks
- orbital, supraorbital, or temporal pain that is UNILATERAL
- autonomic sxs and restless agitation
high potency steroids
management of ADPKD
control of risk factors for CV and CKD - statins
ACE inhibitors
dialysis, kidney transplant
screening for ADPKD
renal US for >18yo with family history
MELD score
used to determine 90day mortality risk in advanced liver disease
uses: serum bili, INR, serum Cr, serum Na
MVP physical exam findings
non ejection click with systolic murmur (from mitral regurg)
increases with standing/dec venous return
Mentzer index
>13 - Fe deficiency likely
<13 - thalassemias
complications of bicuspid aortic valve (4)
infective endocarditis aortic regurg or stenosis aortic root or ascending aortic dilation dissection **screening for dilation
Sjogren syndrome - increased risk for what type of CA?
B cell lymphoma
diagnosis of dermatomyositis
ANA screening
specific Ab (anti-Ro, Anti-La, anti-Sm, anti-RNP)
muscle or skin biopsy if Ab are negative/unclear dx
when to use steroids in PCP
used in those with A-a gradient >35 mmHg or PaO2 <70
dx of PCP
sputum testing
if sputum is negative -> BAL (more sensitive)
lichen planus
discrete, itchy, polygonal violaceous papule or plaques on flexural surfaces, buccal mucosa, ext genitalia (sometimes lacy like pattern)
dx confirmed with biopsy
electrolyte risk of repeated RBC transfusion
symptomatic hypocalcemia
more common with massive transfusion or liver/renal failure, hypothermia, shock
serum Ca often normal, need ionized Ca level
prenatal screening at 24-28 wks
Ab screen if Rh(D) negative
50 g 1 hr GCT
treatment/workup for medullary thyroid CA
*MEN 2A syndrome
- serum calcitonin and carcinoembryonic Ag, neck U/S, genetic testing for germline RET mutation, eval for coexisting tumors (hyperparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma)
Pheo eval important before surgery
initial manifestation of hypoCa
hyperactive DTR
HypoCa can occur during/immediately after major surgery or transfusions
pancreatic tumor associated with mold diabetes and skin rash (necrolytic migratory erythema - scaling/crusting, central clearing)
sensitivity analysis
repeating primary analysis calculations by modifying certain criteria or variable ranges
treatment for ADHD in ages 3-5
1st line = behavior therapy
meds if needed
rotator cuff tendonitis
lateral shoulder pain aggravated by abduction and ext rotation of shoulder
most common cause of travelers diarrhea - contaminated water and food
manifests 1-3 days after exposure
watery diarrhea
treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa)
mild - topical abx
moderate (sinus tracts, scar formation) - oral abx
severe - TNF alpha inhibitors, wide surgical excision
treatment of lithium toxicity
Li level q2-4hr
bowel irrigation for asym acute overdose
hemodialysis for >4 or >2.5 + symptoms or increasing level despite IVF
Sydenham chorea
major manifestation of ARF
emotional lability + jerking movements
treatment of bacterial vaginosis
first line treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis
6 weeks of fluoroquinolone or TMP-sulfa
pagets disease - sxs, labs, dx, tx
SXS- most pts are asym
skull deformity with enlargement, hearing loss, dizziness
bone pain, spinal stenosis, nerve compression
long bone bowing with fracture risk
bone tumors
LABS- elev AlkPhos, normal Ca and Phos, radiograph show lytic or mixed lesion
DX - bone scan/Xray & elev AlkPhos
TX- bisphosphonates
conditions that alter TBG [ ]
inc TBG - estrogens, acute hepatitis
dec TBG - androgen hormones, high dose steroids, hypo protein, chronic liver disease
vaccines after IVIG
IVIG alters normal response to vaccine, so live vaccines should not be administered for 11 months after IVIG treatment
physical exam of scaphoid fracture
dec grip strength
dec ROM wrist
tenderness to palpation of anatomic snuffbox
actinic keratosis tx
excision or destruction of lesion - cryotherapy, topical 5FU cream
selective estrogen receptor modulators
*D/C 4 wks prior to surgery with risk of VTE
side effect of Na-glucose cotransporter inhibitors used for DM
vulvovaginal candidiasis, UTI, polyuria
initial imaging for palpable breast mass
<30yo - US
>30 - mammography
vit B12 deficiency in older populations
dementia + subacute combined degeneration (dorsal spinal column dysfunction, lateral spino tract abnorm)ineffective erythropoiesis -> anemia, intramedullary hemolysis
multifocal atrial tachycardia etiologies
COPD or pulm dz exacerbation
electrolyte disturbance *hypoK, hypoMg
catecholamine surge (sepsis)
Nelsons syndrome
pituitary enlargement and hyperpigmentation following bilateral adrenalectomy for bushings disease (older treatment option)
treated with surgery and/or radiation
used for HTN emergency during surgery of pheochromocytoma
urgency incontinence
sudden urges
caused by detrusor muscle overactivity
tx = bladder training, weight loss, smoking cessation, avoid caffeine and alcohol, antimuscarinic meds (tolterodine, solifenacin, oxybutynin)
trastuzumab side effect
reversible cardio toxicity (dec in LVEF), not dose related
saw palmetto
used by some to treat BPH though studies haven’t shown usefulness
risk is bleeding, stomach discomfort
mycotic aneurysms
occur in cerebral or systemic circulation due to septic emboli and local vessel wall destruction
complication of infective endocarditis
intracerebral mycotic aneurysms can present its focal near findings or with rupture and subarachnoid hemorrhage
treatment of gout in renal failure/ post transplant
intraarticular steroids or increasing dose of systemic steroids
microbiology of human bite
eikenella corrodens (gram neg anaerobe)
strep viridans
routine lab testing in initial workup or suspected cognitive impairment
most common causes of death in tuberous sclerosis
neurological impairment/epilepsy
which lung CA typically causes SIADH?
small cell
signs of acute salicylate toxicity
N/V *stimulates chemoreceptor trigger zone
tachypnea w. resp alka *stimulates medullary resp center
lactic acidosis
treatment of acute salicylate toxicity
NaBicarb to alkalinizine urine and plasma
+/- activated charcoal if presentation within 2 hrs
+/- dialysis
causes of acquired long QT syndrome
meds metabolic disorders bradyarrhythmias hypothermia MI intracranial disease HIV
major drug interactions of levothyroxine
dec absorption: bile acid binding agents, Fe, Ca, alum hydroxide, PPI, sucralfate
inc TBG [ ]: estrogen, heroin, methadone
dec TBG [ ]: androgens, steroids,
inc thyroid hormone meta: rifampin, phenytoin, carbamezepine
interferon gamma release assay and benefits
TB test
no false + after BCG vaccine
doesn’t require return visit
no 2 step confirmation test needed
porcelain bladder management
prophylactic cholecystectomy
how long are kids with viral conjunctivitis infectious?
until eye discharge resolves
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura)
etiology - dec ADAMTS13 activity -> microvascular thrombosis *can be precipitated by pregame’s
SXS- petechial rash, neuro abnormalities, thrombocytopenia, MAHA/hemolytic anemia abdominal pain/N, fever, renal failure
TX - plasma exchange
complications for infants of diabetic mother
1st trimester: CHD, neural tube defect, small left colon, abortion
2nd/3rd trimester: fetal hyperglycemia and hyperinsulism -> polycythemia and viscosity , organomegaly,. neonatal hypoglycemia, macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (glycogen disposition)
how many weeks = adequate trial of SSRI?
6 weeks
dementia with lewy bodies treatment
cholinesterase inhibitors for cognitive impairment
carbidopa-levadopa for Parkinsonism
melatonin for REM sleep d/o
+/- antipsychotics for visual hallucinations **2nd gen, low potency. Stronger antipsychotics can exacerbate confusion, Parkinsonism, and autonomic dysfunction
pelvis surgery during pregnancy - when and for what
for what: pelvic mass that is complex, persistent, and/or >10cm
best time is early 2nd trimester
pregnancy induced pruiritis - sxs and tx
presents with localized, focal pruiritis over abdomen without rash, +/- mild transaminitis
tx = oatmeal bath, UW lights, antihistamines
pemphigoid gestationis - etiology, sxs, dx, tx
etiology - autoimmune to BM sxs - prodromal pruritus, periumbilical papules and plaques, bullae, spares mucous membranes, occurs during 2nd or 3rd trimester dx - clinical, biopsy tx - topical steroids, antihistamines resolves after delivery
candida endophthalmitis
at risk populations, neutropenia, TPN via central venous cath
sxs - fever, dec vision acuity, eye pain, white mound like lesion on retina into vitreous
tx - systemic and intravitreql anti fungal vitrectomy
treatment of endometriosis
medroxyprogesteron, leuprolide, danazol
chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome vs chronic bacterial prostatitis
chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome - leukocytes in UA but sterile culture
chronic bacterial prostatitis - leukocytes in UA + culture growth
seizure meds in pregnancy
AED inc risk of congenital anomalies
should switch to lowest possible dose of a single medication before conception to limit tetarogenicity
if conception has already occurred, no changes are made due to risk for seizure. Just add folic acid and screen for anomalies with alpha fetoprotein.
Valproate is worst teratogen
major cause of adverse drug reactions in elderly?
poly pharmacy
net clinical benefit of a medication = ?
measure of its possible benefit minus its possible harm
desmoid tumor
slow growing and locally aggressive benign neoplasm with high rate of local recurrence
deeply seated painless or painful masses
tuberculous meningitis - sxs, labs, imaging, tx
prodrome then signs of meningeal irritation, nerve palsies, coma, death can occur
choroidal tubercles (yellow white nodules near optic disk) can occur
CSF analysis: elevated protein, low glucose, lymphocytic pleocytosis, elevated adenosine deaminase
imaging: basilar meingeal enhancement
tx = 4 drug for 2 months then 2 drug for 9-12 months, steroids
threshold for transfusion in most stable patients?
Hb <7
abx therapy for postpartum endometritis
clindamycin + gentamicin
most important predictors of survival in COPD?
management of opioid withdrawal
opioid agonis (methadone or buprenorphine - need supervised setting) clonidine, antiemetics, antidiarrheals, Benzos
HTN drug of choice with lithium
drugs that affect renal function or Na/K levels increase lithium levels