nueral nad hormonal mechanisms of aggression Flashcards
procative agression and reactive agression
proactive-cold blooded, planned way OF Getting what you want
reactive-hot blooded, agressive and implusive, accompanied by phsyiolgoical arousal
neural mechnisms-limbic system
system of streutures which lie beneath the cortex
amyglada, hypothalamus and hippocampus
amyglada-evaluates emotional imporntence of sensory info and prompts an appropriate response
example-kluver bucy syndrome-taming effect on rhesus monkeys by removing temporal love therefore destorying their anyglada
hippocampus-involved in ofrming LTMS
if imparied cant put things into contecxt so mayglada may repond appropriately ti stimulu-unncessary agression
inhibitory effects on neural firing in brain calming effect
inhibts firing in amyglada
low leevls of serotonin=less able to control agresive behaviour
serotonin deficiency hypotheiss
mann gave 35 ppts dexfenfluraine which DEPLETES serotin.
usingquesionaire to assess hositlity they found drugs in males were associted with increased hostility and agression
males tend to be more agresive then females due to sex hormone testerone reponseible for MASUCLINE FEAUTURES
giammanco shows experimnetal increases in tersterone=more aggresive ebahviour in vairtey of species
decrease in agression in castation studies
genetic factors of agression
typically female=xx
psychologicals wnated t look into males with xyy known as super males as possess mtwo male y chromosems
court brown-discoved 314 patients who had xyy chromosem and put forwardd they these should remain hosiptialissed given their increased likeihood of agression
theilgard foudn that xyy has increase in height, not agression
not reliable as contradictory ecicenc
twin studies
Coccaro compared MZ versu DZ twin pairs
looked at concoradnce of criminal behaviour for both twins
mz twin pairs were foud to have 50 percent concroance wheeras dz had only 19 concordence for direct agression
verbal agresion mz 28 and dz 7
apotion studies
Rhee and Waldman did meta anlayis of adoption studies of direct agression and aint-social behaviour
found that genetic infleunces accounted for 41 percnt of variance in aggression
animal studies-MICE
found the PET-1 gene is linked to serotonin production. damage to th gene in knockout mice rasign agression
study of animal behaviour in NATURAL settings
agression is an instinct-occurs in all memebrs of species without need for learning
it is innate and genetically determiend
ethologists study no-human animals-then exproalte their findins to humans beacuse we are all subect to same forces of natural selection
agression is adpaitve because defeated animal is rarely killed instead, they establish terrority someweherre else
ritualistic agression
behaviours are carried out in a set order
lorenz observed most figths betweeen aimals in the SAME speicies and found they were not very physical
mostly included ritualsitic signalying e.g teeth, claws
also ritautlistic appeasemnt
shows accpetance of defeat
inhibits agresive beahvioru from winner, preventing damage to loser
e.g losing wolf will dusipaly neck to winner making itself vulnerab;e
ada;ative beacuse if agreeeion always=death
the species would not sruveie
IRM-buit in biolgcally process e.g neuorn cirucit
trigggered by enviroemntal stuimulus e.g threatning face
FAP-fixed action pattern
sequence of sterroptyes pre-programme beahviurs triggered by IRM
male stickbakcs are very terriotal during mating season, when they develop a red spot on their belly
if another male enters their terriotiry, triggers a sequece of streoptyed agression behaviour
hydraullic model
ssays all creates build up a reservour of ACtion specific energy
when the IRM triggers the FAP, all the agressive behaviour is fired off
once out of system, the animal is less agressive till the level of action specifc energy has built u again
evolutionery explanation
an acocount of changes in speciied sover millions of yars,charcteristics that enhance survical and repreoducion of naturally selected
sexual competition-males need to compete for females
people who successful use agression against others, more liklt to get mates and pass on aggreiv egenes
puts-vaious male traits suggests there was competion between ancetol males e.g 75 perrcent more muscle mass than women
seuxal jelousy-patrnal uncertainity-unsure if children is there own
male reention stragies
direct guarding-chekcing wherer they have been
neagtive indulcements-threats of consequneces for infedility e.g ill kill mysclef if you leave me
neaural and hormal mechnisms of agression
proactive agression-cold blooded, planned way of getting what you want
reactive agression-hot blooded, angry and impulsiive, accompanied by phsyciological arousal
neural mehcismis-limbic system
system of structures lying beneeatch the cortex
amyglada, hypothalamus, hippocampus
amyglada-evualtes emotional imporatnce of seneory info to prompt an approprite repsonse
e.g kluver bucy syndrome-taming effect in rhesus monkeys by removal of temporal lobe therefore destoting amyglda
hippocampus-involved in forming TMS if imparied then CAN put things into context so amalygs may repond inappropritaley to stimuke e.g unesccary agression
inhiborty efefcts on neural firing in brain
inhibits firing of amyglada
low levels of seroton=hard to control agreeiv ebahviour=serotin defeicincey hypotheiss
mann gave 35 ppts defluxamine which DEPLETS serotion
using questionaire to asses hostiliyy and agression, gounf the drug in males was associted with higher levels of hostility and aggression scores
men thought tobe more aggresive then femals
due to sex hormone testroemne, reonsible for masculine featres
gimmanco shows experimental increases in testerone, more aggresive behaviour in variety of speciices and decreases agression in castration studeis
geneti factors
typically females=xx
physcologists wanted to look at maales with xyy
known as super males as possess more then one y chromose
Court brown iscovered 314 patients with xyy chromonse and put forward that they should remain hospitlaised due to increased likihood of aggreessve bheaviour
however , thailgaard undertook research into men with xyy and argid increases height but not agression
not relaible as shows contraditory research
twin stuides
conaccaro who compared mz and dz twin pairs by concordnce of ciminal behaviour
found m had a concordance of 50 percent wheras dz had only 19 pecent for direct agression
verbal agression, 28 percent and 7 percent
adoption studies
rhee and waldman did a meta analysis of adpotion studies of direct agresion and anti social behaviour
foudn that genetic influences accounted for 41 perecnt of the variance in agression
thology-studying animales behaviour in natural settings
agression is an instiinct-occurs in all memebers of speciies
it is innate and genetically detmeriend
ethologists study non-human animals-then eravooplate their findings to huamns beacuse we are all subject to same forces of natural selection
ritaulist agression
ritual-behaviorus in set order
lorenz observed fight of simialr specieds and found it was not very physical
showed ritaulsitic signalling e.g teeth and claws
and ritaulsitic appeasment, where the animal shows accpetance ofdeefct
adapitive as if all agression=detah
then species would not surive
IRM-buildt in bilgcial process or sturicte
if triggered by enviroemntal stimulus, result in speciifc behaviours
FAP-sequence of stereotyped pre-programmed ebahviorus triggered by FAP
hydraullic model-all species make up researvoir of action specific energy
when irm tirggers the fap, all agression is fired of
once out of system, animal ess agresisve until the level of action speciifc enrgry is built up again
neural and hormonal mechnisms of agressio
proavtve agression-cold blooded, planned way of getting what you want
rective aggresion-hot blooded, angry and impulsive, accompanied by phsyiological arousal
nural mechnisms-limbic system
system of strucutes lying benetath cortex
amyglada, hypotalausm, hippocampus
amyglada-evaluates emotional importnce of senory info and prompts appropriate reonse
kluver-budy-syndrome-taming effect in rehesus moneks where temporal lobe remoedd , so amayglasd ais destoryed
hippocampus-involved in forming LTMS
if imapried, cant put thngs into context, amgylda may repond imnapporpiated to stimulus, unncessary agression
inhibaroty effect on neural firing in brian
inhibts firing of amyglada
low levels of serotion=loss of contorl of agresisve behaviour=serotoin defincienty hypoteiss
mann used 35 ppts with dlufluxaine which deplestes serotonin,
used quaestionaire to assess hostility and agresion
found drugs in males associted with increased hosiltiy and agression
men tend to be more agresive then females due to sex hormone testerone, which REPSONIBEL for masicultine features
giammanco show experimental increases in testerone=more aggresive behaviour in variety of species and decreases in castation stdies
genetic factors in agrerssion
typically females=xx
phsyologists wanted to exmaine individulas with xyy
caleld super males as possess more then one y chromone
court brown discoverede 314 patiets with xyy chromones and put forward view that these pateitns should remain hospitalieed due to increase likeihod of aggreive behavioru
thaillgand undertook research and found that increased height but not agression
twin stduies
conccanno who compared mz and dz twins with cnocnrcdance of criminal behaviour
mz twins had concroadnce of 50 perectn and dz only 19 for dirfact agresisv ebahviour
verbal agression
28 7
adpotion stdes
rhee and waldman did meta analysis of adoption stduies of direct agrsssion and aniti scual behaviour
ethology-study of animal behaiour in natural settings
agreeion is an instinct-occurs in all specieis and is innate and genetically detmeins
ethoogistis studied non-human animals-then extraoplate thaeir findisn to huemans beacuse all subject to same speciies of natral selection
ritualsitic agression
ritual-behaviorus carried out in set order
lorenz obsevered fight of same speciieds and found not very physical
showed rittaulsitic signalling e.g teeth claws or rityalsuic appreasment e.g showing accetance of defeat
adapitve beacuse if agression always caused detah then s;eciies wouldot sruvee
IRM-built in biolgoical process
when triggered by enviroemtnal stimulus, resut in speciirc behaviours
fap-a sequence of sterrotyped pre-progreammed behaviours triggered by IRM
hydraullic model-all speciial build up a reservoir of action speciric energry
when irm is triggererd by fap, then agressive is fired off
animal is then less agreeive until action specific enrgy is built up again
neural and hormonal mechisms of agression
proactive agresison-cold bloode, palnned way of getting what you want
reactive agression-hot blooded, angry and implusive and accompanied by phsyciological aggression
neural mechnisms-limbic system
system of structures lying beneath cortex
amyglada and hypothalaum and hippocampus
amyglada-evaluates emotiona importnc eof sensory info and promps an appropirate response
kluver-bucy cyndorme-taming efefct on re=hesus monkeyes by removign temooral lobe, destroying their amyglada
hippocampus-involved in forming ltms ‘if impaired then cant put things into context, so amyglada may repsond inappropriately causing unnecceasry aggression
inhibaroty efffect on neural firing in brain
inhibts firing in a,yglada
low levels of serotonin=unable to control agresisv ehavioru=serotoin definciency hypothsies
mann gave 35 ppts defluxarine which depleates serotin
ued quesionair to assess hositlity and agreeion
foudn increased hosiility in agression in males
why men more agreeive then women
due to sex hormoen, testerone, reposnible for masciulitne features
rerseacrh support for limbic system in agrressive behaviour
gospic et al
used ppts to play te ultamatiun game
whilst in theri fmri
when repondents rejected unfair offers, there was quick heigthened reponse in the amygalda
if ppts took beuzondiapizies beforehand then less acitvity in amyglada
supots idea that hih acitvity in amygalda is linked wth aggreive behavioru
reearch support for role of serotonin
mann gave 35 ppts dlufluxorine which depletes serotoini. assesed using quesitonair to assess hostility and agression
foudn drugs in amles were associeted withincreased hostility and agression
therefore supports that reduced srotonin levels are linked with agreeiv ebahvioru
too simplistic
coccaro found in patients with psychriatirc disorders that mainly feature aggression, when exposed to social threat, acitvity in amyglada was increased yt also orbtio-frontal crtex acivity was reduced means unable to performe its impulse control fucntion
genetic factors in agression
typically females=xx
phsyciologistics wanted to examine indiviuald with chromoes xyy
called super males as possess more then one y chromone
cour borwn discoeverd 314 patients with xyy chromosnes and put dorward view that they should remain hospitalised due to increases likeihood of agresisve enahviour
however, thaillgard undertook research into xyy chromone males andd foudn thya increase height but not agression
twin studies
coccno compared mz and dz twin paris, looked at concordance of cirminal behaviour
found mz had 50 perecnt concorance and dz had 19 perecnt dircete agression
verbal agression
28 7
adpotion stduies
rhee and waldham did metal anaysis of adoption stsidies on direct agreion adn anti social behaviour
foudn geentic infleunecs accoutned for 41 perectn of varinace in agression
mice-foun pet-1 gene is linkedd to srtoonin agreeion
damage to gene in knockout mouse, raisies agression
thology-study of animal behaviorus in natural settings
agreeion is aninstic-occurs in all animals and is innate and gentically detemrined ‘ethologists study non-human animals -then exprovale to humans as all subject to same forces of antural selection
ritaistic agression
lorenz observed same species in fight and found was not very physical
ritualsitic sigbally e.g teetch, claws and ritualsuic appeasemnt e.g showing ccetpance of defeat
adapive a sif all agrerssion=detah then seciied sould not survive
IRM-buil t in biolgoical process, when triggered by enviroemntal stimulus, causes specifc behaviorus
FAP-seunce of streepotyped programmes triggered by irm
HYDAULLIC MODEL-all speciies build up reservoir of action specific enrgy
when irm tiggeres fap, causesa aggresion to be fired off
less agresisve ujntil to action speccific energy is bulit back up again
evolutionery explantion
an acoount of cahanges in specieis e.g charceritics that enhance survical and reproducion of naturally selcted
sexual competition
males need to compete for females
people who successfuly use agression more liekly to get mates and pass on aggreive gene
pusts says vairous male charastiets suggest there was competitio n in ancestorl males e.g 75 perecnt more msucle mass , thikcer jawbones etc
sexual jeloudy
paternal uncertainity-not sure if child is there own
cuckoldy-father thinks he brough up children which arent his
invest resourecs in child which isnt his
male retentic stratgies
direct guarading e.g checking whether they have been
negative indulcmeents e.g threates of dire consequences e.g ill kill myscles if you leave me
wilson akes women if they agree with sattemtns regarding partners male rertention stregies
those who agreed were twice as likelt to have suffeed physcial veoloicant
of these, 73 perectn needed medial attetnion and 53 feared for thir lives
innate patner violence
study ipv in herterosexual cuples
107 couples who had been marriedd less than a year to complete difefrent questionaires
men completed the mate retention inventory and women compelest spouse influence repot
storng postive correlation beteen menas reporte mate retention behaviour and womens rported phyiscal violence
men who used fuarge or negative indulcment more liekly to use phsyical violence against their partners
warfare is adaptive as heps to obtain resoyrecs, attact and forge intragroup bonds
advanateg-reseach supprot for the role of the limbic system
gospic who used ultaminam game
foudn that when particpants rejected an unfair offer, quick heigthened reponse in amygalda
if ppts took benzodiazepine beforehand there was less activity in amylad
shows that high acitvity in amyglada links to agressive behavioru
advnatge-rsearch suport for role of seroton in agreeive behaviour
mann gave 35 ppts dexflenfluramine which depleastes aserotion, then assed by quesitonaire on hosiality and agression
found males who took drugs were associetd with icnreased hosility and agreeion
shows reduction in seriount levels linked to aggressive behaviour
dis-too simplistic
conccaro foudn that patients which psyhcriatic disorders that mainly feature aggresiion, when exposed to social threat, acitvity increased in amyglada but also OFC
acity was reduced
role of other brian structes that are nt part of ibic system e.g OFC
geentic factors in agression
typially femals=xx
early psychologists wants to examine dindividuals with xyy chromosnes
known as super males as possess two y chcormones
court brown discorver 314 hospialied
tahillagrd undertook research increased height not aggression
reserch supportt aht agression is innate
brunner showe dthat low acitvity variant f tge MAOA gene was associted with increased agression in humans
evidence that contradicts fides of ritualtisc agression
jane goodall observed chimpanzees in the gombe stream national park
four ear war, male chimpanzzes from one communcity systemacilly killed all mmebers of other gorup
somtiems, vicitms were held down and hit atatcked for 02 minds
violence contiued depeict the victim offereing appeasment and defenselens
sigegst agreession is j]]]memebrs of soeicies do phsycially attack ad kill one another
contradicts the avolutionery theoryl phenomena through lens of ownes own culture
etic construct-looking at behavioru from otuside culture/desvibe behavioru shwich is universal
emic construct-looking from within, more specific to cultural
ehtnocentrism-judging other cultures by stadnards and avlues of ones own culture
ainsworrth ss
as only reflects normals and values of american cultural
cultural relavivem-ides tht norms and values are nly meanifual and undertsand within social and cultural contets
who sugegst that coodcition skills in pre-literate society e.g tribes wouldbe less imporatnt to itnellgent developed society now
only wayt o undertand intelligence is by taking cultural contects into aacout
if dont have to make interfernecs, may not be neeceary correct
natrue-view that beahvioru si a produce of innate (biologicl and ganetic) factors
biooogical therapeis
typcial antiphsycoics
e.g chloropromaxine
start soage is 400-800mg
max dosage is 1000mg
bidns with d2 reecprots on nerone without sitmulating it, reducion gacton of dopanne
blocks dopamine recetors in brain
newer less side efefcts
e.g clozapine
less side efefcts
star dosgane 300-450mg a day
bidns same but also acts as glucatmae andd serotion receptos, reeduces depression and anxiety
side efefct=agralyotosis-blood conditionw here white blood cells are reduced
max 12mg
bidn to both serotoin and dopamine receptos, more strongly with dopmaninc erescpeorys
explainswhy taken in such small doses