Nucleotide Metabolism I & II Flashcards
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder
- Deficiency in adenosine deaminase involved in AMP degradaion pathway
- Individual has no functional immune system: Lymphocytes do’t develop properly
- Mainly in T cells b/c they contain an active kinase that converts dADP → dATP
- In T lymphocytes, leads to 100x increase in dATP levels → inhibits ribonucleotide reductase → other dNTPs are decreased in T cell
- high AMP → ADP → dATP
- dATP inhibits reductase at primary site levels dCTP, dTTP, dGTP are deficient
- prevents cell replication and lymphocyte proliferation
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
- Deficiency in nucleotide salvaging enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
- Neurological: Mental retardation, spasticity, irregular and jerky movements, self-mutilation (chew fingers)
* In having to rely on de novo synthesis, brain is unable to maintain levels of ATP required for signaling - Hyperuricemia: too much uric acid in blood → gout caused by accumulaiton of PRPP leading to purines
* Hypoxanthine gets shunted to catabolism - Almost exclusively males; x chromosome
Ability to be changed into different molecules
- RNA’s 2’OH group allows it to act as a nucleophile to cleave phosphodiester bonds and splicing → unstable
- DNA is more stable and effectively promotes replication
ATP is a ribonucleotide
dATP = deoxyribonucleotide (lacks 2’OH)
Major nucleotide fxns
- precursors/substrates for DNA and RNA synthesis
- Carriers of chemical energy (ATP major energy carrier)
- Cofactors: NAD, FAD, SAM
- activated biosynthetic intermediates (UDP-GLC)
- Signal molecules (2nd messengers cAMP)
- Covalent modification of enzymes (ADP-ribosylation) cholera toxin in SI epithelial cells prevents bound GTP from become GDP, Gs constantly activates adynylyl cyclase → increase cAMP → secrete Cl → severe diarrhea →dehydration & death
Nucleotide synthesis: de novo
- ribose-5-phosphate + ATP → PRPP + AMP
ribose phosphate pyrophosphokinase (PRPP synthetase)
- PRPP + gln→ 5-phosphoribosylamine +glu + PPi
glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase *committed 1st step*
- 5-phosphoribosylamine → GAR→FGAR→ AIR →CAIR AICAR→IMP
- Glycine adds 3 atoms *ATP
- N-formylTHF (folate) single C transfer
- HCO3+ or CO2 *ATP
- Aspartate adds Nitrogen*ATP (→fumarate)
- N-formylTHF
- IMP → AMP or GMP
- AMP: Asp + GTP (adenylosuccinate synthetase & lyase) → fumarate
- GMP: H2O + NAD / Gln + ATP (IMP DH & XMP-gln amidotransferase)
- AMP/GMP → ATP/GTP *Kinases
Nucleotide synthesis: de novo
- HCO3- + Gln + ATP → Carbamoyl phosphate
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II *Committed step
- Carbamoyl phosphate → carbamoyl aspartate
- Carbamoyl aspartate → dihidroorotate → orotate
- Orotate + PRPP → orotidylate → UMP → UTP → CTP
- Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase
- orotidylate decarboxylase (→CO2)
- kinases
- CTP synthetase (gln + ATP)
Nucleotide metabolism: feedback inhibition
- ribose-5-phosphate → PRPP
* Inhibited by: ADP, AMP, GMP, IMP - PRPP → 5-phosphoribosylamine
- Activated by PRPP (allosteric)
- Inhibited by: AMP, GMP, IMP
* Inhibited by GMP - IMP → Adenylosuccinate
* Inhibited by AMP
- Carbamoyl phosphate → carbamoyl aspartate
- Activated by ATP + PRPP
- Inhibited by CTP (pro), UDP + UTP (euk)
- Orotidylate (OMP) → UMP
* Inhibited by UMP
Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency
- Deficiency in AMP deaminase
- Can’t exercise for a long time because patient can sustain energy needs
AMP → IMP allows adenylate kinase to move rxn to the right
*supplies a burst of ATP during muscle exercise
Ribonucleotides → deoxyribonucleotides
ribonucleotide reductase: NDP → dNDP
*Reducing power ultimately comes from NADPH
- Primary regulaiton site: ATP (on), dATP (off)
- Substrate specificity site: In order to get balanced levels of dNTPs from NTPs, priority is given to NTP at lowest concentration
Thymidyate formation (dTMP)
UDP → dUDP → dUTP via kinase dCTP → dUTP via deaminase
- dUTP → dUMP
* dUTPase (cleaves PPi) - dUMP + N5,N10-methylene-THF→ dTMP
- thymidylate synthase
- THF is regenerated by DHF reductase *NADPH & serine hydroxymethyltransferase *PLP
Purine catabolism
When there is a build up of purine nucleotides, need to degrade and prepare for excretion
- Dephosphorylation w/ **5’-nucleotidase **
*adenosine → inosine via **adenosine deaminase **
- Sever base & ribose w/ nucleosidase
- *Guanine can be released into blood or converted to xanthine via **guanine deaminase ***Hypoxanthine can be released into blood or converted to xanthine via oxidase
- xanthine → uric acid w/ xanthine oxidase(H20→H2O2) H2O2 eliminated by scavenging enzymes
Pyrimidine catabolism
- Nitrogens are relased as ammondium ions or transferred to α-keto acids to produce AA
- Disposed ultimately in the form of urea
Nucleotide synthesis: salvaging pathway
- Diet → adenine + PRPP → AMP + PPi *requires 1ATP
***Adenosine phosphoribosyltransferase **
- Hypoxanthine or Guanine + PRPP → IMP/GMP + PPi
*Hyoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
Neural cells are dependent on this pathway
- High levels of uric acid in blood due to excretion problem or too much purine catabolism in liver
- In blood pH, uric acid is negative and forms salt crystals (sodium urate)
- WBC take sodium urate up, and secrete hydrolytic enzymes that can damage collagen → inflammation and pain in joints (can also be basis of forming kidney stones)
- Treatment: allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase (competitive inhibitor) & avoiding foods rich in nucleotides
*However, guanine can still be converted to xanthine
Cancer & Viral infections
- Anti-cancer therapy: inhibit DNA synthesis
- Glutamine analogs inhibit gln amidotransferases: azaserine & acivicin
- blocks nitrogen donor steps in nucleotide biosynthesis
- Problem: very toxic agents & also affects nrg metabolism, managing Nitrogen levels
- Hydroxyurea inhibits ribonuclotide reductase
- targets dNTP synthesis only
- Flourouracil → FdUMP serves as a suicide substrate to thymidylate synthase
- uracil analog
- prevents hydride shift
- Folate analogs methotrexate and aminopterin inhibit thymidylate synthase
- Competitive inhibitors of DHF reductase
- high levels are required to constantly block
- Anti-viral therapy: Inhibit replicatin of viral genome while minimizing detrimental effects on uninfected cells