Nuclei with I>1/2 L8 Flashcards
What do nuclei with I>1/2 possess
Nuclear spin and a nuclear electric quadrupole (they are quadrupolar)
What shape is the nucleus when I=1/2
What shape is the nucleus when I>1/2
Why is the nucleus for I>1/2 oblate
There is an ellipsodial charge distribution within the nucleus, so the protons are not distributed evenly
What does EFG stand for
Electric field gradient
What happens to quadrupolar nuclei in the presence of EFG
In the presence of an EFG the nuclear electric quadrupole couples with nuclear spins. This quadrupole has a fast relaxation rate so the nuclear spins relax rapidly (short t2) so there are broad signals
Define quadrupolar broadening
Line broadening caused by interactions between quadrupolar nuclei (I>1/2) and local electric field gradients.
What happens to quadrupolar nuclei in the absence of an electric field gradient (EFG)?
Without an EFG, there is no quadrupolar broadening . Quadrupolar nuclei (I>1/2) behave similarly to spin 1/2 nuclei. Signals are sharper because there’s no rapid relaxation
What is an Electric Field Gradient (EFG) in NMR?
A measure of how the electric field changes across a nucleus due to asymmetry in the surrounding electron cloud or environment.
Which symmetry elements could and wouldn’t have quadrupolar broadening
quadrupolar broadening: Molecules or ions with low symmetry (e.g., no inversion center) have an EFG.
No quadrupolar broadening : Highly symmetric environments like cubic or tetrahedrally structured eg Td or Oh
How can nuclear electric quadrupole affects coupling
Scalar coupling is only observed if spin orientations of coupled nuclei are maintained for a certain minimum time
What does the degree of linebroadening/ effect on coupling depend on
1) quadrupole moment Q of nucleus
2) severity of EFG at quadrupolar nucleus
What is the symbol Q mean
Quadrupole moment
Explain why a signal much not be visible for I>1/2 nuclei
If line broadening is very extreme then signals may not be visible. If the quadrupole moment is very large then the relaxation of nuclear spins is very rapid and the line may be so broad that it is not detectable
Explain why we do not couple to halogens
In general because of the large quadrupolar moment of Cl,Br,I nuclei coupling to the nuclei is not usually observed
Define quadrupole moment
The quadrupole moment is a measure of the asymmetry of the charge distribution within a nucleus. It quantifies how much the nuclear charge deviates from being spherically symmetric