Nuclear vocal Flashcards
1 large nucleus splits into multiple small nuclei
2 smaller nuclei fue into 1 large nucleus
Half life
Time required for half of a sample to decay
Why is gamma dangerous
It has no mass and has a lot of high penetrating energy that can only be stopped by a thick wall
Alpha, beta, and gamma’s…
Symbol, charge, stopped by and power
Critical mass
the minimum amount of material needed to sustain a nuclear reaction
Control rod
Used in nuclear power plants to keep the reaction under control
Chain reaction
is a series of fission/fussion reactions
identical to helium particles
have least penetrating power
least dangerous
can be stopped by piece of paper
electrons that are emitted as nuclear radiation
Smaller so travels faster
penerate skin
stopped by thin sheet of metal or wood
emitted in form of waves
high penetrating power
can generate skin= extremely dangerous
stoped byt hick layers of concrete a
Fission (long definition)
when a large nucleus is impacted by a neutron + splits the nucleus into 2 more more smaller nuclei
Fusion (long definition)
when 2 smalle nuclei collide with a large amount of energy to form a single large nuclus