Nuclear Physics Flashcards
What happened in the Rutherford scattering experiment?
- Most alpha particles passed through gold leaf undeflected
- Some were slightly deflected
- A tiny proportion (1 in 8000) reflected
What did Rutherford’s experiment reveal about the atom?
- Atom is mostly empty space
- Centre of atom is small, dense and positively charged (nucleus)
Compare the ionising power of the three main types of radiation
- *Alpha most ionising**
- *Beta medium ionising**
- *Gamma least ionising**
Compare the penetrative power of the three main types of radiation
- *Gamma most penetrating**
- *Beta medium penetrating**
- *Alpha least penetrating**
Compare the range of the three main types of radiation
Alpha = 3-7cm Beta = 0.2-3m Gamma = Very long distance
What materials can shield the three main types of radiation?
- *Alpha = Paper**
- *Beta = Aluminum**
- *Gamma = Lead or several meters of concrete**
What are the main sources of background radiation?
How does a Geiger-Muller tube detect radiation?
- Radiation ionises gas in tube
- Negative ions attracted to metal rod
- Positive ions attracted to casing
- Small current generated in circuit
How is radiation used to control the thickness of metal?
Why can’t alpha radiation be used?
If detector count too low -> metal too thick -> Rollers move closer together
If detector count too high -> metal too thin -> Rollers move apart
Alpha won’t be detected
How is radiation used in a smoke detector?
Alpha radiation ionizes air between detector
Ionized air causes current to flow
Smoke blocks ionization of air
Current stops
Alarm sounds
If the detector is moved 3x further away what will happen to the count rate?
9x smaller
Gamma radiation follows inverse square law
How should you safely use radiation?
- Minimise exposure time
- Maximize distance from source
- Store in shielded containers
- Don’t consume food or drink near source
How is radiation used for medical imaging?
Medical tracer with short half life injected
Tumors absorb radionuclides and emit gamma
Gamma detected outside body
How is radiation used to destroy tumors?
Gamma radiation focused on tumor
High energy breaks apart tumor
Low levels through other tissue
Sketch the graph of nuclear stability
On this graph of nuclear stability highlight regions of the decays…
- α
- β-
- β+
- Proton emission
- Neutron emission
What makes a nucleus unstable? (and radioactively decay)
- An incorrect balance of protons and neutrons (off line of stability)
- Too many nucleons
- Nucleus in excited state
What is electron capture and what is it’s equation?
Proton captures inner shell electron and becomes neutron
What two forms of radiation are released after electron capture?
X-ray → electron de-excites to fill inner shell
γ → Nucleus reorders and de-excites
How does distance of closest approach work?
KE at distance → PE closest
Use to get rough size of nucleus
What two graphs could you plot to prove this relationship?
What does r0 represent?
Average radius of each nucleon
How do you calculate the average density of a nucleus?
Why is the average nucleus density so large? (∼2.3x1017kgm-3)
Atom is mostly empty space