Nuclear and Particle Physics Flashcards
What is a Lepton?
Leptons are fundamental particles, that cannot be broken down into smaller constituents. They only experience the weak nuclear force. Examples: electron, muon, tau.
Define a Hadron
Hadrons are particles made up of quarks. They are split into a further subcategory of baryons and mesons.
What is a Baryon? Give examples
A baryon consists of three quarks. Examples: proton - uud and neuton - udd.
What is a Meson? Give examples
A meson consists of a quark and antiquark. Examples: pion and kaon.
Suggest why it took a long time to find experimental evidence for the top quark
- Top quark is very heavy.
- Large amount of energy required
- Availability of antimatter is poor
- Difficulty of storing antimatter
What is Thompsons Plum Pudding model?
Electrons in a sea of positive charge.
Explain what happened to the particles in the alpha particle scattering?
Most particles went straight through. Some deflected at a large angle. Few repelled back towards the source.
What were the conclusions of Alpha Particle scattering?
Most of the atom in empty space. The nucleus has a positive charge. Most of the mass in concentrated in the nucleus.
What happens to electrons in an electric field?
They are accelerated by the field, moving in the positive direction. KE they gain depends on the p.d they move through. KE = qV
How is a cathode ray produced?
Thermionic emission.
How does a linear accelerator work?
- Electrons move in a straight line as electrode is equally attractive in all directions.
- Alternating voltage changes as the electron exits tube, repelling it and it is attracted to positive potential.
- Speed increases so tubes get progressively longer.
- Alternating voltage has uniform frequency.
Theory of relativity.
The apparent mass increase becomes significant at speeds approaching light speeds - relativistic speeds.
What does a cyclotron require?
Magnetic field, so charged particles will feel a centripetal force. Electric field so polarity of D can be switched to accelerate particles.
Derive an equation for cyclotron frequency.
f=1/T T=2πr/v v = ωr
T = 2πmv/Bqv
What is a synchrotron?
A machine that accelerates charged particles around a fixed circular path.
How does a synchrotron keep a fixed circular path?
Increasing the magnetic field strength in line with the momentum. r=mv/Bq
How do quarks interact?
Strong nuclear force.
each quark has a baryon number of
Mesons have
a quark and antiquark, so have a baryon number of zero
Strange quarks have a strangeness of