nsmdmdA Flashcards
inflexible, cruel.
Procrustes, a criminal who made people fit the size of the bed: stretched or cut off their limbs.
myrmidon (n)
obedient and unquestioning follower
followers from the tribe of Achilles
nemesis (n)
an agent or force inflicting vengeance or punishment; retribution itself; an unbeatable rival
godess of vengence
odyssey (n)
long series of wonders and travels
poems written about Odysseus’ journey
a song of praise, joy, or triumph
in ancient times they praised apollo
palladium (n)
safeguard; protection
statue of athena/pallus
panic (n)
sudden fright
pan: god of fear
Philippic (n)
bitter opposition
philippics were speeches against king Philip of Macedon
Plutocratic (adj)
having great influence because of one’s wealth
plutas: god of wealth
Protean (adj.)
variable, changeable
Proteus: god who could change his shape
Pyrrhic (adj)
ruinous; gained at too great a cost
Pyrrhus: greek military leader who suffered great losses against the romans
saturnine (adj)
(adj.) of a gloomy or surly disposition; cold or sluggish (in mood/behavior)
saturn: ate his children and caused a period of gloomines
Siren (n)
dangerous, attractive woman; a woman who sings sweetly;
woman on cliffs who were half bird who sung and tricked sailors
Solon (n)
legislator; wise lawgiver
Atehnian law maker
stentorian (adj.)
very loud
stentor: a herold (walked throughout town to call out messages)