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NSG 4064 Week 1 Assignment 3 COPD Patients and Hospital Readmissions New
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NSG 4064 Week 1 Assignment 3 COPD Patients and Hospital Readmissions New
Identified a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles related to the identified financial management issue in the student’s workplace.
A summary of the articles is provided including the audience for the article, the review of the literature and a summary of the recommendations provided in the article.
Provided a synthesis and analysis of the information described in the articles and explains the applicability to the identified situation. Any similarities or differences between the articles are reviewed.
Provided a critical analysis of the information found in the literature and its applicability to the identified situation.
Discussed how the information can be used in a practice setting.
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NSG 4064 Week 2 Assignment 2 COPD Readmission Interviews New
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NSG 4064 Week 2 Assignment 2 COPD Readmission Interviews New
The interviews contained information on the financial management issue in the organization including a description of the organization, the role within the organization of each individual interviewed and their viewpoint on the financial issue under study.
Interview included at least two people in the organization.
The interviews contained details of the measures taken to address the issue.
The interviews contained details on the future steps that have been planned to address the issue.
The interviews contained information on the blocks that the organization foresees in resolving this issue.
Contained statistical information providing background on the financial issue, including numbers of patients or nurses affected and some indication of the actual dollar cost and its percentage of the total hospital budget and any additional information to illustrate and further describe the financial issue.
Utilized current literature to further explain some of the identified issues.
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NSG 4064 Week 3 Assignment 2 Problem Analysis and Budget Impact New
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NSG 4064 Week 3 Assignment 2 Problem Analysis and Budget Impact New
Provided a detailed analysis of the financial problem.
Explained the potential budget impact of the identified problem utilizing the information identified in the review of literature and interviews.
Described the role of nursing in the process of analysis of the information needed for budget development. Include the different perspectives of the chief nurse, the nurse manager at the unit level and the staff nurse perspectives.
Supported the concepts discussed with peer-reviewed publications.
Used APA style (which includes grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as formatting).
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NSG 4064 Week 4 Assignment 2 Projected Solutions for Budget Impact of CLABSI New
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NSG 4064 Week 4 Assignment 2 Projected Solutions for Budget Impact of CLABSI New
Described at least two solutions to the identified problem.
Provided a background for selection of two solutions including expert opinions and current literature.
Discussed a process for implementation of two strategies including information related to the roles of various members of the organizational team including administration, nursing and any other related aspects of the organization.
Identified two specific nursing role in the creation of the solution and compare that role to the evidence from the literature.
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