NS Flashcards
mechanoreceptors makeup which nerve endings
*Mechanoreceptors (II fibres inn muscle spindle+myelinated
mechanoreceptors: mechanical pressure and distortion. Pacinian corpuscle+ Meisner’s corpuscle, +Ruffini’s corpuscle + Merkel’s corpuscle.
Pacinian corpuscle
myelinated nerve ending, encapsulated by CT sheets, lymph like fluid separates sheets, up to 1mm, convey pressure and vibration
Merkel’s corpuscle
no capsule, epidermal cell associated with a free nerve ending, contain Merkel’s disc + convey fine touch.
Meisner corpuscle
tapered cylinders. in hairless skin, convey fine touch.
Ruffini’s corpuscle
simple fluid-filled CT spheres w/ a branching unmyelinated axon inside. Convey stretch and torque.
III- touch and pressure, nociceptors and cold thermoreceptors, thin myelin
V-nociceptors and warmth thermoreceptors, unmyelinated
thermoreceptors stimuli of temperature change. Krause’s end bulb+ free nerve endings.
krause’s end bulb
encapsulated thermoreceptor for cold stimuli.
free nerve ending
no capsule or myelin, end in stratum granulosum of the epidermis= heat cold and pain (fine touch)
receptors (6)
*Exteroreceptors- respond to stimuli outside of the body.
*Interoreceptors- stimuli inside the body.
*Proprioreceptors (Ia/b) - stimuli of self-movement and body position.
*Mechanoreceptors (II)- mechanical pressure and distortion. Pacinian corpuscle+ Meisner’s corpuscle, +Ruffini’s corpuscle + Merkel’s corpuscle.
*Thermoreceptors (III+IV) stimuli of temperature change. Krause’s end bulb+ free nerve endings.
*Nociceptors (III+IV) damaging or possibly damaging stimuli
Golgi tendon organ (GTO) +and muscle spindle nerve endings
organs that asses the stretching of muscles to get a sense of proprioception.
Motor-End-plate neuromuscular junction nerve ending
releases acetylcholine, triggers muscle function
nerve+their fibres -motor
*α fibers connect to muscle by neuromuscular junction and facilitate muscle contraction
*β fibers innervate intrafusal and extrafusal fibers of muscle spindles
*Ɣ-gamma fibers keep muscles spindles stretched and modulate their sensitivity.
nerve+their fibres -sensory
*Ia fibers innervate muscle spindle (primary), myelinated
*Ib fibers innervate Golgi tendon organ, myelinated
*II fibers innervate muscle spindle (secondary) and mechanoreceptors of the skin, myelinated
*III fibers touch and pressure, nociceptors and cold thermoreceptors, thin myelin
*IV fibers nociceptors and warmth thermoreceptors, unmyelinated
nerve+their fibres -autonomic
*Preganglionic fibers have thin myelin and fast conductivity (3-15 m/s)
*Postganglionic fibers have no myelin and slow conductivity (0.5 -2.0 m/s)