NOVEMBER 21 Flashcards
Adivina qué
Guess what
They were giggling just before supper time
They were laughing just before dinner time
Peppa se puso las botas para saltar en los charcos de barro
Peppa put her boots on to jump in the muddy puddles
They were so poor they had to BEG for food
Beggars can’t be choosers
Beg: suplicar / pedir dinero o comida
Los que piden no están en disposición de elegir
Al lado De la Iglesia
NEXT TO the church
A dead relative
un familiar muerto
¿Has visto alguna vez…?
Have you ever seen…?
Tiene el pelo rizado / liso / ondulado
Tiene el pelo moreno / Claro / Rubio
She has Curly/ Straight/ Wavy hair.
She has Dark / Fair / Blonde hair.
Estás sorda?
Are you DEAF? (def)
Siempre acabamos riéndonos
We always END UP laughING
My stomach was rumbling
haciendo ruido
No teníamos chubasquero
We didn’t have a raincoat
Con quién vives?
Who do you live with?
Short answers: Does it snow often? Will it snow here tomorrow? Was there a religious holiday last week? Would you study Japanese?
Short answers:
Does it snow often? - Yes, it does / it doesn’t.
Will it snow here tomorrow? Yes, it will / No, it won’t.
Was there a religious holiday last week? Yes, there was / No, there wasn’t.
Would you study Japanese? Yes, I would. No, I wouldn’t.
It won’t be easy
It will not be easy
I CHOKED ON a slice of pizza
Cuánto cuesta? Hoy cuesta 5 euros, pero ayer costaba 3.
How much does it cost? Today it costs 5 euros, but yesterday it cost 3.
No quiero tener una cita con nadie, a no ser que sea cocinero o ingeniero.
I don’t want to go on a date with anybody, unless he is a chef or an engineer
sube las cejas si es guapo
raise your eyebrows if he is good-looking