Nouns that begin with E or I Flashcards
This is the sixth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
he (pron.)
e/esan (rio.)
exercise (fem.)
eacarsaich (boir.)
horse (masc.)
each (fir.)
historian (masc.)
eachdraiche (fir.)
history (fem.)
eachdraidh (boir.)
economy (fem.)
eaconomachd (boir.)
economics (masc.)
eaconomas (fir.)
transition (masc.)
eadar-ghluasad (fir.)
internet (masc.)
eadar-lìon (fir.)
interaction (masc.)
eadar-obrachadh (fir.)
alternative (fem.)
eadar-ròghainn (boir.)
fear/fright (masc.)
eagal (fir.)
church (fem.)
eaglais (boir.)
art (fem.)
ealain (boir.)
brain (fem.)
eanchainn (boir.)
east (fem.)
ear (boir.)
confidence/trust (fem.)
earbsa (boir.)
advance/earnest (as, money given early) (masc.)
eàrlas (fir.)
spring (season) (masc.)
earrach (fir.)
sector (e) (fem.)
earrann (boir.)
section/piece (fem.)
earrann (boir.)
effect (fem.)
èifeachd (boir.)
efficiency (masc.)
èifeachdachd (fir.)
file (tool) (fem.)
eighe (boir.)
island (masc.)
eilean (fir.)
demand/claim (masc.)
èiliseachadh (fir.)
engine (masc.)
einnsean (fir.)
example (masc.)
eisimpleir (fir.)
listener (masc.)
èistear (fir.)
expert (masc.)
eòlaiche (fir.)
naturalist (masc.)
eòlaiche-nàdair (fir.)
knowledge (masc.)
eolas (fir.)
chemistry (knowledge of) (masc.)
èolas-ceimigeachd (fir.)
physics (knowledge of) (masc.)
eolas-fiosaig (fir.)
psychology (as, mind knowledge) (masc.)
eòlas-inntinn (fir.)
bird (masc.)
eun (fir.)