Nouns, pronouns and adjectives Flashcards
The data contained in the report by the outside auditor establish unequivocally that the CEO committed fraud; in fact, it is so damning that he has agreed to resign and repay the money immediately.
Right or wrong ?
Wrong. Data here is plural (…establish), so have to use “they”, not “it” for pronoun
Pronoun “one”
Use interchangeably with other pronouns such as you/they/he/she/individual, etc…?
No. Keep consistent in a sentence. You-> you One-> one One-> oneself ok! They-> people
Economy vs economical
Economy- broad finance matters or economy
Economical- act of saving money or operating efficiently
Uncountable nouns
Can’t be plural so have to add countable nouns
Ex: slices of bread, cups of water
Cannot add “s” or “a” in front.
Ex: population
Use much, great, little, less, amount
Countable: many, few, numerous
Collective singular
Species, News, politics (as a class subject), economics (as class subject)
Singular pronouns
-body, -thing, -one, each, neither, either
Among the sports played by women are/is… ?
Are. Among is NOT a singular pronoun. Sports is the noun
More fatal vs more likely fatal
More circular vs more nearly circular
Which is correct?
Absolute adjectives
Cannot be intensified
ex: add “more” or -er to the words
Square, essential, universal, immoral, absolute, dead, fatal, circular
More likely fatal and more nearly circular is correct
More essential is incorrect
Indefinite pronouns
Don’t need an antecedent.
Ex: each, one, ending in -one, -body
The war begun
Right or wrong?
Wrong. Begun is past participle of begin, cant use it alone.
The war HAS begun is right.
Began is past tense
Ones- what is “ones” referring to?
Ava likes most cats, but she finds the ones owned by her neighbors annoying.
“Ones” is referring to cats, but not referring to the same cats mentioned in the first half of the sentence
Refer “US Navy” as they or its?
Its singular
Compare to Ashley, Madison ate more…
Right or wrong?
Wrong. Compared… more… is redundant