Nouns: Gender Exceptions: Flashcards
Feminine noun endings without e at the end (with 90% accuracy)
- Only 1 ending type in total
- Also Almost all noun endings ending in e
Masculine noun endings with e at the end. (with 90% accuracy)
Only 7 ending types in total
-age, -ege, – ème, -ome, -aume, -isme
-é after C (C=t)
- Examples:
le Paysage, le manège(carrousel, ride), le deuxième, un homme, le royaume, le capitalisme
Some categories of French words that are typically masculine:
- wines
- cheeses (although there are some exceptions, usually involving the description of the form of the cheese, for example, la tomme, une brique)
- Names of colours ( le bleu, le vert, le rouge)
- metric units (Example: un litre, un mètre, un gramme)
- numbers (note that the numeric concept that ends in -aine (=about this much, this decade of a person’s life, is feminine (la quarantaine, une cinquaiantaine de personnes))
- metals, materials ( l’or (= gold), le fer (= iron), l’acier (= steel))
- Names of languages (le Français)
- names of trees (Examples: un pommier, un cerisier, un chêne (= oak tree))
- names of days of the week, seasons and months
Names of countries not ending in « _e” ( le Japon etc)
- Numbers and quantities
– Examples : le 14 février, un million, un huitième (= one eighth), un tiers (= a third), un quart
– Exception #1: la moitié (= half) (see why in Part 2)
– Exception #2 : numbers ending in « _aine » : une douzaine, la trentaine, la centaine - Nouns made from adverbs, pronouns, verbs, etc
– Examples: le souper, le mal (= evil), le pourquoi, le comment - Nouns borrowed from English
– Examples: le basketball, un tee-shirt, le whisky
some categories of French words that are typically Feminine:
- Names of fruits and vegetables ending in « _e »
– Examples: une pomme, une carotte, une salade, une courgette
– Exception : le gingembre - brand names of cars
- brand names of watches
- names of rivers
– Examples : la Loire, la Seine
– Exception: le Rhône, le Danube - sciences and other domains of learning (la science, l’histoire, la chimie, etc.). Le droit (the law) is one notable exception to this rule.
- Names of countires, regions and continents ending in « _e »
– Examples : la France, l’Australie, la Provence, l’Afrique
– Exceptions : le Cambodge, le Mexique, le Mozambique - Names of virtues/qualities and shortcomings
– Examples : la gentillesse, la beauté, la franchise
–Exceptions : l’orgueil, le courage (see why in Part 2)
- wines (le vin) category : Gender?
typically masculine
- cheeses : Gender?
typically masculine
(although there are some exceptions, usually involving the description of the form of the cheese, for example, la tomme, une brique)
- Names of colours: gender
typically masculine
- metric units: gender?
typically masculine
- Examples: Le kilo, le litre, le livre, un mètre, un gramme
- numbers Category: Gender?
typically masculine
(note that the numeric concept that ends in -aine (=about this much, this decade of a person’s life, is feminine (la quarantaine, une cinquaiantaine de personnes))
- metals, materials Categories; Gender
Typically Masculine
Examples: ( l’or (= gold), le fer (= iron), l’acier (= steel))
- Names of languages Category: Gender
Typically Masculine
(le Français)
- names of trees Category: Gender
Typically Masculine
(Examples: un pommier(apple tree), un cerisier(cherry tree), un chêne (= oak tree))
- names of days of the week, seasons and months
Typically Masculine
Names of countries not ending in « _e” ( le Japon etc)
Typically Masculine
- Numbers and quantities Category: Gender
– Exceptions?
Typically Masculine
– Examples : le 14 février, un million, un huitième (= one eighth), un tiers (= a third), un quart
– Exception #1: la moitié (= half) (see why in Part 2)
– Exception #2 : numbers ending in « _aine » : une douzaine, la trentaine, la centaine