Nouns Flashcards
“Racial hatred was anathema to her”
“Any form of censorship is anathema to a free society”
Something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.syn. Hateful, abhorrent, repugnant, offensive
 an invaluable compendium of useful information about the language is available
A collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication. synonym collection compilation anthology.
Today, 52 years later, it’s a vigor is un impaired, and for sheer pith, I think it probably sets a record that is not likely to be broken
The spongy white tissue lining the round of the oranges and lemons and other citrus fruits
The essence of something
Synonyms essence heart just
There was no railroad, and although paddle wheel steamers stopped at its quay during the summer,
A stone or a metal platform lying alongside or projecting into the water for loading and unloading ships.
Synonyms pier dock wharf
There was no railroad, and although paddle wheel steamers stopped at its quay during the summer,
A stone or a metal platform lying alongside or projecting into the water for loading and unloading ships.
Synonyms pier dock wharf
Nicholas refused to cast this unfair aspersion upon the army
an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something
Syn vilification