Nouns Flashcards
the man goes
sing nom
narah gacchati
the 2 men lead
dual nom
narau nayávah
the men go
pl nom
naráh gacchanti
I lead the man
sing acc
nayámi naram
I lead the 2 men
dual acc
nayámi narau
I lead the men
pl acc
nayámi narán
I go with the man
sing inst
gacchámi narena saha
I go with the 2 men
dual inst
gacchámi narábhyám saha
I go with the men
pl inst
gacchámi naraih saha
I go on behalf of the man
sing dat
gacchámi naráya
I go on behalf of the 2 men
dual dat
gacchámi narábhyám
I go on behalf of the men
pl dat
gacchámi narebhyah
I come from the village
sing abl
agacchámi gramát
I come from the 2 horses
dual abl
agacchámi ashvábhyám
I come from the horses
pl abl
agacchámi narebhyah
the horse of the man is there
sing gen
tatra narasya ashvah bhavati
the horses of the 2 men are there
dual gen
tatra narayoh ashváh bhavanti
the horses of the men are there
pl gen
tatra naránám ashváh bhavanti
I live in/on the village
sing loc
vasámi grame
I live in/on the 2 villages
dual loc
vasámi gramayoh
I live in/on the villages
pl loc
vasámi nareshu
O, Rama
sing voc
O, 2 sons
dual voc
O, heroes
pl loc
the fruit is there
sing nom
tatra phalam bhavati
the 2 fruits are there
dual nom
tatra phale bhavatah
the fruits are there
pl nom
tatra phaláni bhavnti
I obtain the fruit
sing acc
phalam labháse
I obtain the 2 fruits
dual acc
phale labháse
I obtain the fruits
pl acc
phaláni labháse
I stand with a book
sing inst
tishthámi pustakena
I stand with 2 books
dual inst
tishthámi phalábhyám
I stand with the books
pl inst
tishthámi phalaih
I speak about immortality
sing dat
bháshe amritáya
I speak about the 2 books
dual dat
bháshe pustábhyám
I speak about the books
pl dat
bháshe phalebhyah
I come from the forest
sing abl
agacchámi vanát
I come from the 2 forests
dual abl
agacchámi vanábhyám