Noun Groups Flashcards
Masculine or feminine, sometimes depending on the gender of the animal.
Masculine examples:
der Bock (billy goat), der Hahn (rooster), der Stier (bull), der Eber (boar)
Feminine examples:
die Gans (goose), die Kuh (cow), die Sau (sow), die Henne (hen)
e.g. der BMW, der Skoda, der Ford, der Ferrari, der Audi, der VW, der Mercedes
e.g. der Dollar, der Euro, der Cent, der Schilling, der Pfennig, der Franken
die Mark (former German currency), das Pfund (British pound), die Krone (Danish currency)
List some common exceptions of the noun group: Currency
Currency is a masculine noun group.
Common exceptions:
die Mark (former German currency), das Pfund (British pound), die Krone (Danish currency)
Days, months, and seasons
e.g. der Sonntag (Sunday), der Januar (January), der Winter, der Monat (month), der Abend (evening)
Common exceptions:
das Jahr (year), die Nacht (night), die Woche (week)
List some common exceptions to the noun group: Days, months, and seasons
Days, months and seasons is a masculine noun group.
Common exceptions:
das Jahr (year), die Nacht (night), die Woche (week)
e.g. der Norden (north), der Osten (east), der Suden (south), der Westen (west)
Drinks: alcoholic and plant-based
e.g. der Gin, der Schnaps, der Wein (wine), der Kakao (cocoa), der Saft (juice)
Common exception:
das Bier (beer)
Name a common exception to the noun group: drinks - alcoholic and plant-based.
This is a masculine noun group.
Common exception:
das Bier (beer)
Male persons
e.g. der Mann (man), der Vater (father), der Arzt (doctor), der Italiener (italian man)
Mountains and mountain ranges
e.g. der Mount Everest, der Montblanc, der Himalaja, der Taunus, der Balkan
Common exceptions:
die Eifel, die Haardt, die Rhön
List some common exceptions of the noun group: mountains and mountain ranges
This noun group is masculine.
Common exceptions:
die Eifel, die Haardt, die Rhön, die Sierra Nevada, and mountains / mountain ranges that are actually compound nouns (compound nouns take the gender of the final noun):das Erzgebirge, das Matterhorn, die Zugspitze
Non-German rivers
e.g. der Ganges, der Mississippi, der Nil, der Delaware, der Jordan, der Kongo
Common exceptions:
non-German rivers ending in -a or -e, e.g.:die Seine, die Themse(Thames),die Wolga
List some common exceptions of the noun group: non-German rivers
This noun group is masculine.
Common exceptions:
non-German rivers ending in -a or -e, e.g.:die Seine, die Themse(Thames),die Wolga
Outer space
e.g. der Mond(moon),der Stern(star),der Merkur(Mercury),der Mars, der Jupiter, der Saturn, der Uranus, der Pluto
Common Exceptions:
die Sonne(sun),die Venus, die Erde(Earth)