Noun endings, 2nd Declension (masculine) Flashcards
Sing. Nom. Ann_
us (annus, the year doing something)
Sing. Voc. Ann_
e (anne, someone talking to the year)
Sing. Acc. Ann_
um (annum, something being done to the year)
Sing. Gen. Ann_
i (anni, something OF the year)
Sing. Dat. Ann_
o (anno, something TO, or FOR the year)
Sing. Abl. Ann_
o (anno, something BY, WITH or FROM the year)
Pl. Nom. Ann_
i (anni, the years doing something)
Pl. Voc. Ann_
i (anni, someone talking to the years)
Pl. Acc. Ann_
os (annos, the years having something done to them)
Pl. Gen. Ann_
orum (annorum, OF the years)
Pl. Dat. Ann_
is (annis, TO or FOR the years)
Pl. Abl. Ann_
is (annis, BY, WITH or FROM the years)
2nd Declension endings, Singular
us, e, um, i, o, o
2nd Declension endings, Plural
i, i, os, orum, is, is
Singular - Servus - all endings
servus, serve, servum, servi, servo, servo