Noun declensions (singular) (pg. 96) Flashcards
of / ‘s + noun with vowel stem (e.g. nuna)
-up (e.g. nunaup/nunap)
object with vowel stem (e.g. nuna)
-mik (e.g. nunamik)
to + noun with vowel stem (e.g. nuna)
-mut (e.g. nunamut)
in/on + noun with vowel stem (e.g. nuna)
-mi (e.g. nunami)
from + noun with vowel stem (e.g. nuna)
-mit (e.g. nunamit)
through + noun with vowel stem (e.g nuna)
-kkut (e.g. nunatkut)
-tkut (e.g. nunakkut)
like + noun with vowel stem (e.g. nuna)
-tut (e.g. nunatut)
of / ‘s + noun with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
(remove t) -up (e.g. apup)
iup (e.g. aputiup)
object with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
(remove t) -‘mik (e.g. apu’mik)
-imik (e.g. aputimik)
to + noun with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
(remove t) -‘mut (e.g. apu’mut)
-imut (e.g. aputimut)
in/on + noun with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
(remove t) -‘mi (e.g. apu’mi)
-imi (e.g. aputimi)
from + noun with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
(remove t) -‘mit (e.g. apu’mit)
-imit (e.g. aputimit)
through + noun with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
-ikkut (e.g. aputikkut)
-itkut (e.g. aputitkut)
like + noun with “t” stem (e.g. aput)
-tut (e.g. nunatut)
of / ‘s + noun with “k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
(remove k) -up (e.g. iqaluk)
object with “k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
(remove k) -ŋmik (e.g. iqaluŋmik)
to + noun with “k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
(remove k) -ŋmut (e.g. iqaluŋmut)
in/on + noun with “k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
(remove k) -ŋmi (e.g. iqaluŋmi)
from + noun with “k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
(remove k) -ŋmit (e.g. iqaluŋmit)
through + noun with “k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
-kut (e.g. iqalukkut)
-(remove k) -tkut(e.g. iqalutkut)
like + noun with”k” stem (e.g. iqaluk)
-tut (e.g. iqaluktut
of / ‘s + noun with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(remove q) - up
object with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(replace q with r) -mik (e.g. tupirmik)
to + noun with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(replace q with r) -mut (e.g. tupirmut
in/on + noun with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(replace q with r) -mi (e.g. tupirmi)
from + noun with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(replace q with r) -mit (e.g. tupirmit)
through + noun with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(remove q) -kkut (e.g. tupikkut)
(remove q) -tkut (e.g. tupitkut)
like + noun with “q” stem (e.g. tupiq)
(replace q with r) -tut (e.g. tupirtut)