Notes - Relativity Flashcards
Problem with Newtonian Thoery
Experiments have shown that no matter how much force is placed on an electron, it cannot go faster than the speed of light (force does not equal ma)
Speed of light
3 x 10^8 m/s
Does Newtonian Theory work?
As long as the object’s speed is less than the speed of light, it does.
However, as it starts to approach the speed of light interesting things occur.
Two observers moving relative to each other will measure different outcomes for the same event
Frame of reference
Where you see an event taking place
Inertial Reference Frame
Any reference frame in which Newtonian Physics is vaild,
Any Reference frame in which objects that experience no forces move in a stright line and at a constant speed
2 Postulates of Relativity
- All laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames
- Speed of light is always the same
Equation for adding velocity
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Length Contraction
Moving things get shorter ALONG LINE OF MOTION
Time dialation
Moving clocks run slower
Length Contraction formula
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Time dialation formula
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Einstein’s Equation
What does E=mc^2 tell us
The energy correspoing to mass at rest, mass and energy are two sides of the same coin
Rest Energy
The energy a particle has by simply being a particle, aka mass-energy
Kinetic Energy
Energy due to movement
Total Energy
Rest + Kinetic Energy
Total Energy Equation
look at it
How is General Relativity different from Special Relativity
General - accelerating reference frames
Special - non accelerating reference frames
Principle of Equivalence
All physical experiments conducted in a uniform gravitational field and in an accelerated frame of reference give identical results
Gravitational Lensing
Light will bend, ex. during a solar ecclipse it bends around the sun
How does gravity affect time
It slows it down