Notes & Power Point Flashcards
Environmental Protection Agency
Best Management Practices
Endangered Species Act
The problems of impervious surfaces
-roofs, sidewalks, roads, parking lots, (65% of total impervious
Clean Water Act 1972
- The basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the US and regulates surface water.
- Was called the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1948)- first major US law to address water pollution.
SWPPP—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Allowed the EPA to govern Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities
- identify pollutant sources that effect Storm water discharges
- describe the practices that will be implemented to prevent or control release of the pollutants.
- create an implementation schedule to ensure that the practices described are in fact implemented and to evaluate the plans effectiveness in reducing the pollutant levels in Storm water discharges.
Best Management Practices
To make sure that rivers, streams were fish able and drinkable.
Watershed Properties
-consist of 5 properties
1-boundary 2-length 3-slope 4-area 5-water volume
Definition of WATERSHED
Geographical area that drains collected to a common outlet. It has walls made of hills and mountains, a floor made of a river or lake, and a ceiling of clouds.
Water Cycle
- starts at the ocean to atmosphere
- atmosphere to precipitation
- precipitation to snow/ice
- snow/ice to snow melt runoff
- snow melt runoff to infiltration
- infiltration to groundwater storage, back to the ocean ……
Pollutant Dischargers
public owned treatment works
2 Pollution Sources
Point: identifiable source of pollution
Non-Point: rather diffuse in nature (hard to identify pollutant source
Storm Water Control Practices (3)
1-best management
Managing Runoff
A typical hay bale and filter that prevents sediment from entering a drainage system
Detention Ponds
Provide runoff control
Treat Stormwater runoff-particulates removed via sedimentation, biological uptake of dissolved nutrients
Prevent stream bank erosion by slowing the flow which reduces scour
Must have a fence around it
Storm water is a term used to describe water that originates during…….. 3 answers
1) rain events
2) snow melt
3) runoff water : from excess water use that enters the storm water system
-National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
It’s a permit to discharge which must stay within the TMDL ( total maximum daily load )
Construction Storm Water General Permit
(What are the Permit Requirements)
-must submit a NOI 60 days prior to discharging Stormwater
- apply for coverage
- develop and use a Stormwater pollution prevention plan
- pay permit fees
- monitor Stormwater and inspect best management practices
- record and report results
- terminate the permit
LID (low impact development)
Eco-system based approach to land development and Stormwater management that helps protect water resources and watershed hydrology
Stormwater Control Practics
- BMP (best management practices)
- Alternative
- Combined