Notes For Statistics Flashcards
What is statistics?
A range of techniques and procedures for analyzing, interpreting, displaying and making decisions based on data.
Why study statistics?
For objectively interpreting information and communicating results and research conclusions.
Types of variable?
Independent variable and dependent variable
Quantitative and qualitative variable
Discrete variables and concrete variables
What is independent variable?
Which is manipulated by the experimenter.
What is dependent variable?
On which effect of independent variable is observed.
What is quantitative variable?
Variables measured in terms of numbers.
Like height, weight, age etc.
What is qualitative variable? What is it’s other name?
Express a qualitative attribute like hair colour, favourite movie etc.
No numerical ordering
Also called “categorical variables”
What is discrete variable?
Possible scores are Discrete points on a scale (Discrete points = exact points)
Ex- no. Of children in a house can be 1 or 2 or 6
Not 1.5 or 1.6 etc…
What is concrete variable?
Scale is continuous and not made up of discrete steps. We can have decimals here.
Ex- time to complete race could be 5.98 min or 6.75min etc..
What are levels of measurement?
It is measurement of dependent variable
To measure dependant variable there are various procedures and these procedures can be classified using a few _________, which are called “___” or”___”.
What are types of scales?
There are 4 types of scales # nominal scales # ordinal scales # interval scales # ratio scales
What are nominal scales?
#Simply naming or categorising responses from a data. Ex- you are recording favourite colour of various people. So you make a category as favourite colour and then under that you write favourite colour of different people. # it has no ordering amongst responses. Ex- if classifying people according to their favourite colour then no sense in putting red before green or blue etc. # it is the lowest level of measurement.
What are ordinal scales?
# here our responses are ordered unlike nominal scales # it allows comparisons between responses or of the degree to which 2-subjects possess the dependent variable. Example measuring consumer satisfaction with their products, scale of measuring the feeling- very dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, somewhat satisfied, very satisfied. # scale is highly subjective as people may have different meanings to what different options mean like difference between one person to another about somewhat satisfied. # it has no equal interval like there is nothing in-between of somewhat satisfied and somewhat dissatisfied.
What are interval scales?
Numerical scales in which intervals have same interpretations throughout different people or places. Ex- difference between 90° and 80° will be 10° throughout. This is called having Equal intervals.
This scale does not have a true zero point. Ex- 0° does not represent complete absence of temperature.
What are ratio scales?
This is the most informative scale.
# has categories, is ordered, has equal intervals
# also has true zero point (absence of quantity being measured)
Ex- Kelvin scale has a absolute zero
Amount of money you have left can be zero
What level of measurement is used for psychological variables? And which is not?
Ordinal scale, nominal scale and rating scale ( like rate your feelings from 1 to 5 or 5point scale)
Ratio scale is not used because psychological characteristics can never be zero.
What is population or population of interest?
Population is the collection of all people who have some characteristics in common. Population of interest includes specific groups of people who we want to study.
Difference between population and sample?
In statistics we rely on a sample that is a small subset of a larger set of data used to draw inferences about the larger set.
The larger set us called as the population.
What is the most crucial thing while choosing a sample?
That the sample is not over-representation of any one type of citizens.
If sample isn’t representative, a possibility of sampling bias occurs (means that our conclusions only apply to our sample and not generalisable to the full population)
Name various sampling techniques.
# simple random sampling # stratified sampling # convenience sampling
What is simple random sampling?
Most straightforward sampling strategy Requires every member of the population to have an equal chance of being selected into a sample. And selection of one member must be independent of the selection of every other member ( if ram is selected from village one then Ramu of village one can also be selected... their selection is not dependent on eachother) # chooses a sample by "pure chance"
What is stratified sampling?
It is more of a complex sampling and can make the sample more representative. # can be used when the population has a no. Of distinct "strata" or groups. Ex- a researcher wants to find what students of a particular college think about capital punishment but later finds That there are two types of students there one from morning classes and second have evening classes, so to have representation of both the groups in the research 50% from Am classes and 50% from pm classes students are choose randomly. In this sampling first members who belong to each group are identified and then randomly sample from each of those subgroups in such a way that the sizes of the subgroups in the sample are proportional to their sizes in the population. Ex- if in the above example PM students are less than the Am students then in the sample too Am students should be more than Pm students.
What is convenience sampling?
It’s easy to use and is usually followed up with a representative sample.
Ex- if we begin research in a completely unstudied area, we may take a short cut to quickly gather data and get a general idea of how things work through a small sample before fully investing a lot of time and energy into a well-designed research.
What is random sample?
Sample in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Why do sample size matters?
Only a large sample size makes it likely that our sample is close to representative of the population.
What are types of research designs?
Choice of research design is determined by the research question and logistics involved. But in general there are three types of research designs: # experimental designs # quasi-experimental designs # non- experimental designs
What is experimental designs?
Experiment is defined by the use of random assignment to treatment conditions and manipulations of the independent variable.
A clinical researcher wants to check if newly developed drug is effective in treating flu. She randomly samples 40 flu patients at several local hospitals and randomly assigns each one to two conditions (group A receives the new drug and group B receives a placebo). She measures symptoms of all participants after one week to check if any differences exist between the two groups.
Difference between random sampling and random assignment?
Random sampling is thoughtful and scientific
Random assignment is absolutely random
Random sampling is used for research to be representative of the population.
Random assignment is used for research to be a true experiment.
Both if these help in eliminating the potential for sample Bias.
What is quasi-experimental designs?
It involves manipulating independent variable but not randomly assigning people to groups. Random sampling may be sometimes possible but not random assignment. Involves getting as close as possible to the conditions of a true experiment.
Used because=
It may be unethical to deny potential treatment to someone. And it may be impossible to randomly assign people to groups.
Ex-professor teaching 1 class with traditional way and the other class with the new way here teaching method is manipulated but random sampling is not possible since students choose to enroll in course and they cannot be forced to study the subject without their will.
What is non-experimental designs?
Also called “correlational research”
Involves observing things as they occur naturally and recording our observations as data.
It’s benefit is that it reflects reality as it actually exists.
Disadvantage can be subjectivity or researcher bias.
What are types of statistical analysis?
Statistics used to interpret data # descriptive statistics # inferential statistics
What is descriptive statistics?
In this we use numbers to summarize and describe data.
Data refers to information that has been collected from an experiment, a survey, etc…
Data is plural and datum is singular
Do not involve generalizing on data at hand.
Ex- if we analyse average salaries of various occupations in New Delhi then we will use descriptive stats.
Sampling error is tiny discrepancy between the population and sample selected (even best sample will somewhat off from the full population)
What is inferential statistics?
Here they tell us how our data behaves.
Help is generalize our sample to the population
There are many types of inferential statistics.
mathematical notations
Basics of summation notation
Refer to notes