Notes Flashcards
Name the 3 levels of incident management?
- Strategic
- Tactical
- Task
What are the 8 strategic functions of Incident Management?
- Deployment
- Command
- Situation evaluation
- Incident action planning
- Incident Communications
- Incident structure
- Review and revision
- Escalation and de-escalation
A firefighter arrives at work under the influence of alcohol.
What are your actions?
The OIC of an departmental premises must refuse to permit a firefighter to come on duty if of the opinion that the firefighter is under the influence of alcohol or a drug to the extent that the firefighter is unable to exercise the functions of a firefighter.
What are the fire Suppression Systems on ships?
- Steam injection
- Sprinker
- Water mains
- Foam
- Carbon dioxide flooding
- Halon
- Inert gas injection
What are the best places for cross ventilation?
- Homes where the roof is not involved in fire
- Buildings where windows are close to the eves
- High rise where each involved floor has operable windows
- Warehouses with large under-roof spaces that may have been weakened by fire
CFU cannot activate of days with a FDR of what?
A CFU must have a minimum of how many members to activate?
What is the distance between hydrants in modern tunnels?
What is the HAZMAT area of response?
All of NSW
FRNSW smoking policy
Prohibited in all buildings and vehicles operated by FRNSW, and no smoking at drills or in uniform in sight of the public.
Response Code: Red
- Highest priority
* Require urgent assistance or priority access to radio
Response Code: White
- Very High priority
* Reporting new incident
Response Code: Blue
- High priority
* Incident message
Response Code: Green
- Medium
* Incident stop
Response Code: Yellow
- Low
* Non-incident
What is an incident contained report?
When the incident is no longer in the expanding phase.
The incident may continue for some time after this message and requires regular CAN reports.
When is an incident completed report sent?
When the last resource has left the scene. (The old stop message)
Who is in control when ammunition is found at an incident?
NSW Police
What are the AIIMS five key principles?
Australian inter-service incident management system
- Flexibility
- Management of Objectives
- Functional Management
- Unity of Command
- Span of Control
How many PIPs must a platoon complete each year?
What determines the seriousness of a bushfire?
- Size - Hectares
- Classification - Resource commitment
- Status - Extent to which it is under control and degree of threat to life and property
Bushfire: Class 1
A fire under the control of the responsible fire authority, whether or not, incidental/low level assistance is provided by other agencies
Bushfire: Class 2
A fire which, by necessity, involves more then one agency, and where the bushfire management committee have appointed a person to take charge of firefighting operations.
Bushfire: Class 3
A major bushfire or fires where an appointment is made or is imminent under the provisions of section 44 of the rural fires Act 1997
Bushfire Status
- Going
- Being Controlled
- Contained
- Patrol
- Out
What are the 4 tiers of the mental health program?
- Awareness
- Prevention
- Response
- Support
Types of Bulk storage tanks (silos)?
A - Non-pressure, fixed roof, vent to atmosphere
B - Non-pressure, fixed roof, floating decks
C - Pressure fixed roof
D - Floating roof
Firefighter is exposed to fumigation.
What do they do when returned to station?
NIIEMS, wash hair and put on clean clothing.
What do you do when having trouble getting through on radio at large bushfire?
Request through FireCOM to use ESO talk group 1200 series
Emergency Services Organisation
Size Up: BELEA
- Building
- Exposures
- Location
- Extinguishment
- Assistance
What is the role of the 3rd arriving SO at a confirmed high rise structure fire?
Sector Commander on floor above fire.
What is the degradation of level 1 PPE?
- Gloves and boots = 250 deg
* Coat and over trousers = 260 deg
What are the 5 factors of a dust explosion?
- Is a combustible dust present?
- Is the dust exposed to air?
- Is there a source of heat or ignition?
- Is there a dust cloud?
- Is the dust confined to a vessel, silo, mine, or other enclosed structure?
What is the decontamination corridor made up of?
- Wash area
- Buffer area
- Disrobing area
Methods of decontamination?
- Wet
* Dry
What are the levels of decontamination?
- Standard
- Emergency
- Mass
Definition of a vessel?
Any ship, barge, punt, boat or other floating vessel used wholly or partly for storing or carrying goods or passengers.
Definition of a confined space?
A space not designed to be inhabited by people
What is a flat bed silo?
Single level building that holds solids of 40 tonnes
Only helicopters using what fuel can be hot refuelled?
Aviation turbine fuel
Hot refuelling of helicopters using what fuel is forbidden?
Aviation gasoline
What are the 3 main types of aircraft?
- Civilian
- Military
- Helicopters
Name the 2 types of plane engines?
- Turbine
* Piston
What fuel do turbine engines use?
Kerosene based fuels
What fuels do piston engines use?
Gasoline based fuels
How do you extinguish a piston engine fire?
- Halon
- CO2
What are the 2 types of fuels used in aircraft?
- Kerosene
* Gasoline
Name the 3 types of kerosene based fuels?
- Avtag
- Avtur
- Avcat
When is pre-deployment used?
After the first two pumps have arrived at the incident
What is the full term for the acronym PAR?
Personnel accountability report
When is incident ground monitoring activated?
- HAZMAT - 2nd Alarm
- Structure Fire - 3rd Alarm
- Bushfire - 4th Alarm
State the provisions of section 39 of the FBA 1989 to do with the “use of water for practice”
The commissioner may, by arrangement with the person controlling the water supply concerned, authorise the use free of charge of the water in any mains or pipes for the purpose of drill or practice by any fire brigade?
Mattress Fires
What are the components of a mattress and what are the by products of a mattress fire?
Polyurethane (flexible)
- Carbon monoxide CO
- Carbon dioxide CO2
- Hydrogen cyanide HCN
- Safe Approach
- Incident Control
- Scene Security
- Identity Hazardous Material
- Assess potential harm and minimise environmental contamination
- Call for resources
- Monitor Information
- Render safe and decontaminate
Flow rates for water main sizes:
100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm
- 100mm = 2220L/min
- 150mm = 4500L/min
- 200mm = 6720L/min
- 250mm = 11220L/min
- 300mm = 18000L/min
Exclusion zones:
Tilt slab?
1.5 x height of building
Exclusion zones:
800m sealed container
Exclusion zones:
LPG tanker?
300m sides
900m ends
Exclusion zones:
Car leaking LPG?
Exclusion zones:
Vehicle fire?
Exclusion zones:
30m hot - 20m warm
Exclusion zones:
Exclusion zones:
Helicopter refuelling?
Metal extinguishment (D Class fires)
- Dry sand
- G-1 Graphite powder
- Soda ash (anhydrous sodium carbonate)
- Table Salt (powdered sodium chloride)
- Dry limestone (calcium carbonate)
What are the Gases used in gaseous fire suppression systems?
- CO2
- Halon
- Nitrogen based blends
Hydrant inspections must not be carried out on roads where the regulatory speed limit exceeds what speed?
Hazchem scale for fire or spillage
What are the meanings of the following FIRST position codes?
2= FOG
Hazchem scale for fire or spillage
What are the meaning of the following SECOND position codes?
Hazchem scale for fire or spillage
What are the meaning of the following SECOND position codes?
Hazchem scale for fire or spillage
What are the meaning of the following SECOND position codes?
Consider evacuation
Phonetic alphabet:
- Alpha
- Bravo
- Charlie
- Delta
- Echo
Phonetic alphabet
- Foxtrot
- Golf
- Hotel
- India
- Juliett
Phonetic alphabet
- Kilo
- Lima
- Mike
- November
- Oscar
Phonetic alphabet
- Papa
- Quebec
- Romeo
- Sierra
- Tango
Phonetic alphabet
- Uniform
- Victor
- Whiskey
- X-ray
- Yankee
- Zulu
High rise structure fires
What is the role of first arriving pump?
- SO becomes sector commander of the fire floor
* Establishes a forward Control point and commences Fire Operations from the floor below
High rise structure fires
What is the role of the second arriving pump?
- So becomes IC and establishes a control point
- Crew to assist first crew on fire floor
- IC to send sitrep to comms and task both MDs to connect to booster systems in standby mode or activation mode
High rise structure fires
What is the role of the third arriving pump?
- SO becomes Sector Commander on the floor above the fire floor with crew
- MD collects BA board and tallies and relocated to high rise staging
Where is high rise staging located?
2 floors below the fire floor unless the IC decides elsewhere
High rise structure fires
Exclusion zones
- Up wind 50m
- Down wind a minimum distance of twice the height of the highest floor
Eg 20 floors - 3m per floor - 120m EZ
What can a gas detector detect?
- O2 - Oxygen Levels (%)
- H2S - Hydrogen Sulfide
- CO - Carbon Monoxide
- LEL - Lower Explosive Limit
What is FB Regulation 18?
- A firefighter must not wilfully or negligently damage any departmental property or fail to report promptly any such damage, however caused.
- A firefighter must not use departmental property for any unauthorised purpose or be concerned, whether directly or indirectly, in unauthorised use of departmental property.