notes Flashcards
Indian Independence
1947- Diarchy Partition 17th and 18th Keeps enforcing control until 1940's- e.g. large groups stopped from meeting- afraid of democracy Wars undermine Civilisation Darwin - Japan markets
Rural, non western and statist
Religious Control - Unity between Muslims and hindus
Non Alligment
Belgrade 1961 Yugoslavia, Inida, Egypt (Tito, Nasser, Nehru) Non- aligned to USSR or USA Nucleur Disarmerment Economic Expansion of third world
1955 Precusors - pan africnism NAAPC 1945- Foundation of Arab League Push for Sovereignty and Deolonisation Aliance without western Power
Spirit of Bandung
Nasser- extraordinary moment
Skeptical before - comes away empowered
More Physcological consequences than physical
1946 Security council of 5 which can Veto - inherently bad USA only Veto's once in first 20 years Individual not state Trusteeship - mandates justified Independence not committed too General Assembly 12- 53
Rhetoric of world organisation after WW2
League of Nations
Manchuria 1931 Abyssinia 1935 1938 Anschluss and Czechoslovakia 1939 - ww2 Good idea but undermined- Wilson said would grow organically so no structures e.g. no peace keeping force
Legitimization of colonialism through mandates
Sykes- Picot
1916 france and Britain
Divides up Arab World
Third World
Prashad - not a place a project Darwin - After Suez enemy to Decolonisation Special Relationships Atlantic Charter 1941 Ottowa 1932 Continued exercion of power Rostow- Stages of economic development
Wind of Change Speech
1960 -Mcmillan
TVA- Tennessee Valley Association
America Used to show other places how they can help
Cold War and Third World
Playing Ussr and USA off eachother
e.g. Nasser wanted money
Oil Shock 1973
Assertion of Dominance
But still Anglo-Persian oil company nationalised in 1950’s and 60’s
Revolution of Religion
1979 imam- 3 Million
Shah in 1970- westernised so corrupt
Weber and Wilson
- Modernise we become Secular
- Ephemeral religions
Bans Polygamy and Fez
Western Laws and surname
1924- Caliphate
Ideological Reasons Genocide
- Primordial - within people - spare no one
- Anti- Modern - blip in 20th c - Suggests there will never be one again
- Michael Mann- dark side of democracy - majorities ( misses out LON and homogenous nations)
- Settler Genocide e.g. Herero and Aboriginals
Rawandan 1994
- Primordial - savages
- Settler - Belgium divided Hutu and Tutsi (Before Fluid identities)
- David Newbury
Genocide is Modern - Beaureacracy, rationalisation and technology
Heroros - Chased into Khalhari and killed
Genocide theory of the Famine