Notes. Flashcards
Terrorism vulnerability assessments shall be conducted for any facility that is populated by how many or more personnel every day?
How often at a minimum must AT Executive level committee members meet to develops and refine AT Program guidance, policy and standards ?
Semi annually
What is a “vulnerability based” evaluation of an installations ability to deter and/or respond to terrorist incident ?
How often at a minimum will DoD Component AT Risk management process and procedures be reviewed?
Who is the principal military or civilian advisor that is charged with managing the AT Program for the commander or DoD civilian exercising equivalent authority?
Triennial AT Program reviews may be conducted as an HHA or what else ?
Which AT process develops specific AT guidance and execution oriented instructions for subordinates ?
Heads of the DoD Components shall ensure completion of a formal military department approved level II ATO refresher course of instruction at least every how many years?
How often at a minimum must post accession Level 1 AT Awareness training be provided to all DoD personnel ?
What contains the AT provisions that contracts must comply with ?
Preparation to defend against and planning for the response to the consequences of terrorist incidents ?
What counterintelligence element provides comprehensive CI support to transiting ships, personnel, and/or aircrafts in regions of elevated threat
How many critical components must Commanders use to determine which assets require the most protection and where future expenditures are required to minimize the risk of attack or lessen the severity of the outcome of an attack ?
How often at a minimum just terrorism vulnerability assessments be conducted and updated ?
Established to consider, develop, coordinate, and promote security policies, and agreements on overseas security operations, programs and projects that affect all US government agencies under the authority of a COM abroad ?
DoD intelligence, CI, and law Enforcement elements shall disseminate information on U.S persons to DoD components as appropriate in support of AT Program implementation within the provisions of DoD directive 5200.27 and which other reference?
DoD 5240.1-R
How often at a minimum should Critically Assessments be updated ?
How many days after a completed Terrorism Vulnerability Assessment shall DoD Component Heads prioritize identified vulnerabilities, develop a plan of action to mitigate or eliminate the vulnerabilities , and report the results ?
A Level II certified ATO will be assigned to any deploying unit having how many or more personnel assigned or under the operational control of a designated commander ?
Which reference establishes the requirements for initiating coordination of AT matters with appropriate Geographic Combatant Commanders?
DoD Directive 2000.12
Within how many days after changes are made to the Terrorism Threat level for the affected country and HRP security measures be reviewed?
What is used to address the affect of temporary or permanent loss of key assets or infrastructures on the installation or a units ability to perform its mission ?
Criticality Assessment
How often at a minimum must Threat Working Group (TWG) members meet to develop and refine terrorism threat assessments and coordinate and disseminate threat warnings, reports, and summaries ?
How often at a minimum must AT plans be exercised?
What is defined as the fundamental knowledge of the terrorist threat and measures to reduce personal vulnerability to terrorism?
AT Awareness
What reference contains the principles that should be applied and fully integrated into AT Plans to ensure employment of a holistic security system to counter terrorist capabilities ?
DoD 5200.8-R
Heads of the DoD components will ensure that the appropriate military officers in which grades attend the Level IV AT Executive Seminar ?
06 trough 08
DoD Component heads must ensure that the DoD vulnerability database is populated with all terrorism vulnerability Assessment results within how many days from the completion of the Assessment ?
How often must PSVA’s be conducted?
Planning, training and exercises, resource application , comprehensive program review , along with what else are the minimum required DoD Component AT Program elements ?
Risk Management
At what age does the DoD require family members to receive Level I AT awareness training?
How often at a minimum must subordinate commands undergo an external AT Program Review?
Triennially (Every 3 years)
Who sets the DoD Terrorism Threat Level identifying the potential threat to DoD interests in a particular country , including the United States ?
DIA Director
Within how many days of an individuals assignment to an HRB or designation or an individual as HRP must a PSVA initiated ?
90 days