What characterized the wartime spirit of “100 percent Americanism”?
- racist, sexist
- Committee on Public Information/George Creel: patriotism propaganda
- Espionage & Sedition Acts: no anti-war activities, unpatriotic
- Anti-immigration/Nativism
- KKK 1915
- National Origins Act
- American Protective League (APL): spy on German Americans
- War Industries Board (WIB): military supplies & funding
Why did racial violence peak after World War I? How did African Americans respond?
-W.E.B. Du Bois “Returning Soldiers”
-Great Migration
-race riots (black vs. white vets)
-KKK revival 1915
-families homeless
-black renaissance (harlem etc)
-“New Negro”/racial pride
-Marcus Garvey & Black Nationalism
What does the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan reveal about America during this time period?
- racist
- perceived inferior races used as scape goat 4 blame/problems
What economic factors led to the depression? How did President Hoover respond?
-Ford: assembly line, overproduction, credit & debt, layoffs & underconsumption
-stock market crash
-farm troubles
-bailouts for corporations
-no welfare/social darwinism
-caused labor strikes/poverty
What steps did President Roosevelt take to stimulate economic recovery and provide relief to impoverished Americans during his first term in office?
- New Deal (relief, recovery, reform)
- Fireside chats
- Bank Holiday
- Agricultural Adjustment Act
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
- Social Security
How did Americans respond to FDR’s efforts?
- Liberals liked him, helped minorities, reassuring
- critics: socialist, moves resembling dictators
How did public opinion shape FDR’s foreign policy in the years proceeding U.S. entry into WWII?
-American First Committee supports neutrality
-public is neutral but wanna help G.B.
-FDR—> Lend-Lease Act
-Pearl Harbor—> go to war!
-Imperial presidency: power, diplomacy, military-industrial complex
How did the war impact women’s work and gender roles?
- males drafted, demand for labor
- expect to be fired when war is over
- still stereotyped
How did the Four Freedoms obscure tensions surrounding civil rights for people of color?
- freedom of speech, of worship, from want, from fear, from jim crow
- A. Philip Randolph: march on Washington for jobs and freedom
- army segregated
What factors influenced the U.S. decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan? How did this lead to the Cold War?
- Japan attacked first (Pearl Harbor)
- Power move
- Tensions with Russia
- competitiion
What factors led to the rise of suburbia in the 1950s? How did this lead to an increased blindness to poverty in America?
- white flight
- nuclear family
- patriotism/propaganda
- consumerism
- americanism/wholesome family values
- segregated by race/poverty
How did Emmitt Till’s murder impact the civil rights movement?
- young boy mutilated
- open coffin
- publicity
- trial a sham
What roles did women, students and working class individuals play in the civil rights movement?
- Bus boycotts
- Rosa Parks, Recy Taylor, Political Women’s Council
- SNCC, sit-ins
- 1961 Freedom Rides
- 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
- 1964 Civil Rights Act
- 1965 SCLC march (Bloody Sunday)
- 1965 Voting Rights Act
How did civil rights activists pressure state and federal government officials to enact their legislation?
- boycotts, sit-ins, freedom rides, freedom summer
- protests, violence from police
- emmett till publicity
How has the Supreme Court threatened the Voting Rights Act?
- literacy tests
- poll tax
- voting rights act of 1965
- MFDP & Fannie Lou Hamer
- Reversed in Shelby vs. Holder
How did the Johnson administration and civil rights activists address the issue of poverty?
- Johnson’s Great Society (medicaid, etc)
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
- MLK: Vietnam hurting war on poverty
- Stokely Carmichael: Civil Rights not helping poverty
What forces encouraged most Americans to oppose the Vietnam War by the late 1960s?
- communism vs. democracy
- capitalism
- truman doctrine/containment
- drafting students, etc
- war on poverty/civil rights
Why did Black Power appeal to many civil rights activists by the late 1960s?
- integration: assimilation
- dismiss white supremacy
- black pride
- political & economic power, empowerment
How did organizations on the left challenge social, cultural, and economic norms in the 1960s?
- New Left
- feminism
- equal rights
What social and economic issues encouraged the rise of the New Right?
- Nixon (states rights, family values)
* silent majority
What was Reaganomics and what were its most important long-term consequences?
- trickle down wealth
- wealth gap expands
- tax breaks for wealthy
- Mario Cuomo (compares Reagan to Hoover)