Notation Flashcards
What happens when a note is sharpened and flattened?
When a note is sharpened it is raised. When a note is flattened it is lowered.
What is a semitone?
A semitone is one step on the keyboard, or the distance between two notes.
What is a tone?
A tone is two steps on the keyboard or two semitones put together.
What is in the key of C?
The key of C has no sharps or flats
What is in the key of G?
The key of G has one sharp (F#)
What is in the key of D?
The key of D Major has two sharps (F# and C#)
What is in the key of A?
The key of A has 3 sharps (F#, C# and G#)
What is in the key of E?
The key of E has 4 sharps (F#, C#, G# and D#)
What is in the key of F?
The key of F has one flat (Bb)
What is in the key of Bb?
The key of Bb has 2 flats (Bb and Eb)
What is in the key of Eb?
The key of Eb has 3 flats (Bb, Eb and Ab)
What is in the key of Ab?
The key of Ab has 4 flats (Bb, Eb, Ab and Db)
What is the pattern of a major scale?
Tone – Tone – Semitone – Tone – Tone – Tone – Semitone.
How do you find the relative minor?
Each key signature has two possible keys. The major key (as shown in the examples above) and the minor key, which will begin on a different note. This is known as the relative minor. So G major, for example has a key signature of one sharp, but this is also the key signature for E minor. To find this, just count down three semitones (count to the left). For example, the relative minor of C is A minor.
What is the pattern of a minor melodic key?
Tone – Semitone – Tone – Tone – Tone – Tone – Semitone ascending and Tone – Tone – Semitone – Tone – Tone – Semitone – Tone descending.
What is graphic notation?
Graphic scores illustrate music in symbols or pictures.
What are the dynamics?
Diminuendo: Getting gradually quieter pp Pianissimo: Very quiet p Piano: Quiet ff Fortissimo: Very loud f Forte: Loud mf Mezzo forte: Fairly loud mp Mezzo piano: Fairly quiet
What does ‘sf’ mean?
Sforzando: Sudden accent (just on that note)
What is articulation?
Articulation indicates the manner in which a note is to be played.
What is legato?
(Italian for ‘linked together’) means played smoothly. Notes are joined by curving lines.
What is a staccato?
Notes are shortened, and is indicated by short dots above or below the note.