Notary Exam Flashcards
A formal declaration before a duly autohorized officer by a person who has signed a document that such signing is his/her act and deed.
Fee for Achknowledgment
$2.00 per person
A person appointed by the court to manage the estate of a deceased person.
The person who sings his/her signature to an affidavit. A sworn or affirmed written statement but used interchangeably with the word “deponent.”
A signed statement, duly sworn or affirmed by the maker thereof, before a Notary Public or other officer autorized to administer oaths.
A solemn declaration by persons who conscientiously decling taking an oath.
Department of State authentication attached to a notarized and county certified doecument for possible international use.
Fee for an Apostille
$10.00 per document
To witness the signing of a written document, at the request of the person who makes it, and subscribe (sign) the same as a witness.
A certificate, subjoined by a County Clerk, to any certificate of proof, acknowledment or oath singed by a notary; this Coutny Clerk’s certificate authenticates or verifies the authority of the Notary Public to act as such.
Fee for Authenticaion
$3.00 per authentication performed by the county clerk’s office
Bill of Sale
A written document given to pass title of personal propetry from vendor to vendee.
Certificate of Official Character
Can be filed at a County Clerk’s office by notaries commissioned in countries which differ from his/her country of employment in New York State.
Fee for Certificate of Official Character
$5.00 to obtain from the home country and $10.00 to be filed at the other county.
Ceritfied Copy
A copy of a public record signed and certified as a true copy by the public official having custody of the orginal. Deeds, mortgages, birth/death records, and other documents from the County Clerk or State offices.
Personal property, such as a house hold goods or fixtures
Chattel Mortgage
A mortgage on personal propety as opposed to a mortgage on real property (real estate).
Chattel Paper
A writing or writings which evidence both an obligation to pay money and security interest in a lease or specific goods. This agreement, which creates or provides for security interest is known as a security agreement.
Civil Practice Law and Rules (Rule 3113)
A deposition can be taken in front of a notary in a civil lawsuit proceeding.
A document made subsequent to (after) a Last Will & Testament and modifying it in some respects. This is often used to correct or modify sections of a Last Will & Testament instead of redoing the entire thing.
Commissioner of Deeds
Two year commission like that of a Notary Public in New York. Different test is taken and they can sign only certain documents.
If you have been removed from office for wrong doing as a Commissioner of Deeds can you become a Notary public?
No, you cannot.
If you have been removed from office as a Notary, can you become a Commissioner of Deeds?
No, you cannot.
Anything of value given to introduce entering into a contract; it may be money, personal services, or even love and affection listed on Real Estate documents between spouses.