Not-For-Profit (F7 M3-M6) Flashcards
- Defined by codification 958
- revenues come from contribution
- operating purpose does not include profit
- ownership interests are unlike businesses
- used by healthcare organizations, education institutions, voluntary health and welfare organizations (red cross) =, other private not for profit (cemetery, labor unions, museums)
Not for profit financial statement information
users want to know:
- services provided
- organizations ability to provide services
- method used to discharge their responsibility
Required financial statements
- Statement of financial position (BS)
- Statement of activities (IS)
- Statement of Cash flows
- Statement of functional expenses (for voluntary health and welfare organizations)
Statement of Financial Position
- Balance Sheet
- Assets, liabilities, and net assets (equity)
Net assets classified as either:
- unrestricted: may be expended at discretion of governing boards.
- temporarily restricted: have donor imposed stipulations which either expire by passage of time or can be fulfilled by actions.
- permanently restricted: limited by donor-imposed stipulations that never expire or satisfied by actions
Unrestricted net assets
- not permanently or temporarily restricted
- internal board designated funds are considered restricted
Temporarily restricted
- should not be displayed as a deficit
- any over-expenditure of temporarily restricted net assets should be classified as a reduction of unrestricted net assets
Statement of Activities
-Income statement
- revenues and expenses (shown gross)
- gains/losses (shown net)
- reclassification between classes
- change in net assets = net income
Reclassification of Restrictions on Statement of Activities
- Contributions with donor-imposed restrictions are recognized as either temporarily or permanently restricted net assets in year received
- when it is satisfied, reclassified to to unrestricted. “released”
- restrictions that are met within the same period as received may be recorded as unrestricted
Expense classification on Statement of Activities
-all expenses are reported as decrease in UNRESTRICTED net assets
categorized as:
- program service: program expense for activities which organization is chartered (universities=education/research ; union=labor negotiations/training)
- support service: everything not classified as program service (fundraising, management exp, membership development)
Statement of Cash flows
-Typically the same as commercial statements of cash flows.
- applicable agency transactions
- receipt of unrestricted resources
- board designated revenue
- proceeds from sale/purchase of works of art
- proceeds from sale of assets whose sale proceeds were restricted to investment in equipment
- includes restricted contributions whose use is limited to long-term purposes (increases in an endowment, annuity agreement)
- disbursement in split-interest agreement
- receipt of dividends/interest restricted to reinvestment
Statement of Functional Expense
-required for voluntary health and welfare organizations
- program services
- support services
-must agree to expenses on statement of activities (IS)
Revenue from exchange transaction
- recognized when realized and earned
- earns resources for service performed
ex: student tuitions, patient service revenue
Cash Contributions - Revenue Recognition
- Contribution: unconditional transfer of cash which is voluntary and nonreciprocal
- cash contributions recognized as revenue when received
Unconditional pledge Contributions - Revenue Recognition
- recorded at FV when promise is made
- verbal or written
Conditional pledge Contribution - Revenue Recognition
- Conditional promises: recognized when earned.
- NOT synonymous with restriction. conditions are not satisfied by use of resources
- good faith deposits are accounted for as a refundable advance (liability)
Dr. Cash
Cr. Refundable advance