Not For Profit Flashcards
Define Not-for-profit (NFP) organizations
organized for the 1) p___se of providing 2) ch___e g___s/or s__s n_ for the purpose of earning a p__t
1) purpose
2) charitable goods/or services not
3) profit
NFPs do not have 1) o__s that b__it from a res__al interest in the ea___s of the organization
Instead, any “profits” from the organization’s actitivies should be used to further the organization’s 2) ch___e p___se
1) owners that benefit from a residual interest in the earnings
2) charitable purpose
Organizations that formed for chartiable purposes may qualify under section 1) __ of the tax code to be 2) e___t from 3) fe___l in__ t__s
1) 501
2) exempt
3) federal income taxes
To be tax-exempt, the organization must have a 1) l___d p__se, confine its activities to its limited purpose, and not be involved in 2) p___l act___s
1) limited purpose
2) political activities
Most NFP organizations seek section 1) ___ status because this section of the tax code allows donors to 2) de__t co___ns to a 501(c)(3) organization from 3) ta___e i___e
(this helps more an incentive to donate)
1) 501(c)(3)
2) deduct contributions
3) taxable income
To apply for this section 501(c)(3) status, the organization must file Form 1) ___, “Ap__n for R___on of Ex___n Under Section ___ of the In___l S___e Re___e”
1) 1023, “Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Service Revenue”
A common form of 501(c)(3) entity is that a of a public charity defined as
- A c___, sc___, h___l, or p___ly supported c___y
- An organization that receives more than ___ of its support from a combination of co___s, m___p fees, and g__s re___ts from exempt activities and no more than ___ of its support from gross investment income
- An organization operated e___y for the b___t of organizations already described
- An organization fo__d and o___d exclusively for p___c s___y
- A church, school, hospital, or publicly supported charity
- An organization that receives more than 1/3 of its support from a combination of contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from exempt activities and no more than 1/3 of its support from gross investment income
- An organization operated exclusively for the benefit of organizations already described
- An organization founded and operated exclusively for public safety
Most section 501(c)(3) organizations are required to file 1) F__ ___ on an annual basis (with some exceptions) which must be available for 2) p___ in____n
1) Form 990
2) public inspection
Form 990 provides financial information including a 1) b__e s__t, re__s, ex___s, etc.
A breakdown of expenses is required that allows 2) in___ed pa___s to determine the costs of 3) sp___c pr___s, amount paid to 4) af___s, and amounts spent on 5) ad___n and f__ng V the provision pr___m s__es.
1) balance sheet, revenues, expenses, etc.
2) interested parties
3) specific programs
4) affiliates
5) administration and fundraising V the provision program services.
Form 990 also requires list of 1) of___s, di____rs, t___es, key em____s, the amount of t___e each spends on behalf of the organization, and the co____n of each.
1) officers, directors, trustees, key employees, the amount of time each spends on behalf of the organization, and the compensation of each.
Also, Sch. A of Form 990 provides information on the 1) five highest paid e___s (other than officers, directors, and trustees) making more than 2) $___ and the compensation of the 3) five highest paid in___t co___rs for se___s.
NFPs with annual revenues that are generally less than 4) $___ must file an annual 5) __-__ (__-__) with the 6) I__ to maintain t__-e___t status
1) five highest paid employees
2) $100,000
3) five highest paid independent contractors for services
4) $50,000
5) e-card (990-N)
6) IRS to maintain tax-exempt
If tax-exempt organization generates income form activities that are 1) u___ to its tax exempt purpose this income is subject to tax at the 2) co___e or t___t r__.
This is called 3) U___d B___s I___e (___)
1) unrelated
2) corporate or trust rate
3) Unrelated Business Income (UBIT)
Unrelated Business Income (UBIT)
This tax keeps tax exempt organizations from having an 1) un__ ad___e over f__ pr___t entities.
If the unrelated income is deemed too 2) si___t, the NFP may lose its tax smelt status. The UBIT is filed in 3) F__ 9__.
1) unfair advantage over for profit entities
2) significant
3) Form 990T.
Introduction to NFP Organizations
In addition to unrelated business income, another area of concern to the IRS is 1) ex___e ex__e co___on
1) excessive executive compensation
One of the requirements for 501(c)(3) status is that no part of the 1) n__ ea___s of the organization may inure to the 2) b__t of any pr__e sh___er or in___ual
1) net earnings
2) benefit of any private shareholder or individual
If the IRS deems compensation to be 1) ex___e (u___ed) “in___ate sa__ns” may be imposed on the recipient of the benefits and those who approved it 2) (board of di___s/tr___es)
These intermediate sanctions allow the IRS to imposed 3) p___s without the drastic action of stripping the organization of its tax-exempt status
1) excessive (unjustified) “intermediate sanctions”
2) (board of directors/trustees)
3) penalties
Single Audit Act
Organizations (like state and local government, NFP organizations, etc) often rely on 1) fe___l d___s for a significant portion of their financial sources.
1) federal dollars
Single Audit Act
Consolidates the auditing and reporting requirements for organizations expending 1) $___ or more of federal awards within a fiscal year
1) $750,000
Sarbanes Oxley Act
also affects NFPs
-though not required, SOX impacts the relationships between auditors and not for profit auditors (compliance with SOC may be awarding of grants by donor organizations)
-SOX limits the services that auditors can provide to their clients
Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) Reporting
In order to communicate how 1) ef___e an organization is f__g its pu___e, it’s necessary to report both 2) fi__l and n__ fi__l information. This is called 3) se___e ef__s and ac___s.
It’s motivated by the lack of a “bottom line” focus for not for profit organizations (and governments)
1) effective an organization is fulfilling its purpose
2) financial and non financial
3) service efforts and accomplishments.
Accounting for NFPs Organizations
Non-governmental and NFPs falls under the guidance of the 1) ___
FASB wants NFP’s to
- all NFPs must recognize de____
- p___s (u___al p___es to give)
entry: DR: ___ ___ CR: ___ ____ - In___s in d__t and e___y securities are carried at m___t v__e
- Transfers of a___s to a NFP entity for a specified th__ p__ beneficiary are offset by li___ (the NFP) is an ag___y relationship and d__n’t record re___
- all NFPs must recognize depreciation
- pledges (unconditional promises to give)
entry: DR: Accts Rec CR: Contribution Revenue - Investments in debt and equity securities are carried at market value
- Transfers of assets to a NFP entity for a specified third party beneficiary are offset by liability (the NFP) is an agency relationship and doesn’t record revenue)
GAAP requires that financial reporting by nonprofit organizations be presented for the entity taken as a whole.
A complete set of financial statements include:
1. Statement of F___l P___n (b__ sh___t)
- Statement of A___s - op___g st___t reporting ex___e by fu___n
- Statement of C__ F__ - o___g, fi___g, in___g (cash donations that must be used for ___ purposes per donor restrictions are fi___ activities)
- Statement of F___l E___s - a matrix that classifies e___e by f___n (s___c p___ms) and o___t (s___s) this should include a di___e of the method for a___n of e____s amount functional categories
- Statement of Financial Position (balance sheet)
- Statement of Activities - operating statement reporting expense by function
- Statement of Cash Flow - operating, financing, investing (cash donations that must be used for LT purposes per donor restrictions are financing activities)
- Statement of Functional Expenses - a matrix that classifies expense by function (specific programs) and object (salaries) this should include a disclosure of the method for allocation of expenses amount functional categories
2 classes of net assets are to be reported
- Net assets wi___ d___ r____s (u___)
- Net assets wi__ d___r r___s (r____)
- Net assets without donor restrictions (unrestricted)
- Net assets with donor restrictions (restricted)
- Net assets without donor restrictions (unrestricted)
-should include 1) di___e of any amounts that are 2) s__ a__e as bo__ de___d f__s
1) disclosure
2) set aside as board designated funds
- Net assets with donor restrictions (restricted)
-additional 1) di___es are made regarding 2) s___ic a__ts and re__ns
-Disclosure regarding restrictions on specific assets and liabilities may be accomplished in the statement of 3) fi__l po___n or f___es
1) disclosures
2) specific amounts and restrictions
3) financial position or footnotes
Revenues in all classes are recognized on the 1) a___al b___s.
Pledges (2) u___al pr___s) for 3) f___e s__s are recorded as
DR ____ _____ and CR ___
in the appropriate net asset classification at 4) cu___t ___ (PV; re___s should be reduced for u___e a___e)
1) accrual basis
2) unconditional promises
3) future sums are recorded as
DR Pledges Receivable and CR Revenues
4) current FV (PV; revenues should be reduced for uncollectible allowance)
Contributions must be distinguished from 1) ex___e r___s (involved an exchange of v__e between the p__)
Contributions that are 2) co___l on c___n e___ts are n__ r___ed as d___e until all conditions are m__
Restricted reaches may be recognized 3) b___ being ex___d for the re___d purpose (important to distinguish do__ im___d condition V re___n)
1) exchange revenues (involved an exchange of value between the parties)
2) conditional on certain events are not recognized as dengue until all conditions are met
3) before being expensed for the restricted purpose (important to distinguish donor imposed condition V restriction)
All expenses are recorded under 1) net a___s (u___d and grouped by fu___n)
1) net assets (unrestricted and grouped by function)
The 2 major functional classifications
- P___ se____ - fu___g the m__n of the or___n
- Su___ activities (a___on and f___ng)
- Program services - fulfilling the mission of the organization
- Supporting activities (administration and fund-raising)
What are the 3 categories of expenses?
- P___ S___
- Ad___e
- Fu___g
- Program Services
- Administrative
- Fundraising
Additional detail regarding expenses is included in the statement of 1) fu___al ex___s.
Disclosures must include how the organization manages 2) li___y and in___n regarding the availability of financial assets to meet operating cash requirements.
1) functional expenses
2) liquidity and information
Revenues are recognized in 1) b___ categories of 2) n__ a__s, but all expenses are recorded under restricted net assets are reclassified as 3) u___d n__ a___.
In order to avoid a creating a negative balance of unrestricted net assets, restricted net assets are reclassified as 4) un__d when the re__n e__s.
1) both
2) net assets
3) unrestricted net assets
4) unrestricted when the restriction expires.
EX. Suppose money is donated to be used for a restricted purpose or time period in the future. (Pledges to be collected in another fiscal period are considered to be “restricted” as to time)
The entry to record the donation is
DR- __ or (__)
CR ____
Dr - Cash (or Pledges Receivable)
Cr - Contributions Revenue - restricted
When the money is used for intended purpose (or time restriction passes) the amount is reclassified:
DR - ____
CR - ____
DR - Net assets reclassified - restricted
CR - net assets reclassified - unrestricted
Plant assets purchased with 1) re___d f__s are reclassified as un___d at the ti__ of p___se;
2) new st___s el___e the option to re___y these amount as d___ed
1) restricted funds are reclassified as unrestored at the time of purchase;
2) new standards eliminate the option to reclassify these amount as depreciated
Donated nonfinancial assets and services
Contributions revenue related to donated nonfinancial assets (including services) should be reported 1) se___e from other donations (with added disclosure that disaggregates these donations by type of asset, whether the assets were monetized or utilized)
1) separate
Donated nonfinancial assets and services
Donated nonfinancial assets are recorded at their 1) fa__ m___t v__e on the date of the g__
If measurable, donated services are recognized as both revenue and an asset or expense if the services either
1. cr___ or e___ce a no__ial a__t
- involve sp___d s__s that would have to be otherwise p___d and there’s the equivalent of an em__r-em___e relationship
DR: ___ (s__y, w___s, te___g)
CR: ___ ___
1) fair market value on the date of the gift
1. create or enhance a nonfinancial asset
- involve specialized skills that would have to be otherwise purchased and there’s the equivalent of an employer-employee relationship
DR: Expense (salary, wages, teaching)
CR: Contribution Revenue
Collections (works 1) a_ held by a museum) must be held for public display and protected and preserved.
If sold the proceeds must be 2) r____d in collections and or us___ for the di__ ca__ of e___g collections.
1) art
2) reinvested
3) used for the direct care of existing collections