Nose/anaphylaxis/snakes/heat-NP615 Flashcards
Epitaxis-Rarely life-threatening
Posterior is seen more in those 40 yrs and up and is more serious than anterior
Anterior is seen more in those younger than 40 and nasal mucosa is the most common cause.
Localize the bleeding
Lean forward and pinch for 5-20 minutes
If abnormal vital signs gain vascular access and administer IV solution.
Attempt to cauterize a 0.5 cm area of mucosa around the bleeding site with a silver nitrate stick.
Observe patient for 30 minutes
Do not send anyone home with COPD or with cardiac problems
Peritonsilar abscess
Edema, erythema, exudate Surgical intervention Needle asp[iration Antx pain meds Can have stridor, drooling, "hot potato voice" SOB, lymphadenopathy
Epiglottis- Mean age from 3 years to 7 but can happen at any age. Adolescents and adults may just complain of sore throat.
Mechanical obstruction to the flow of air. Stridor. Determine the cause. Triad of drooling, agitation and the absence of cough is useful for differentiating epiglottitis from croup
Strep Pharyngitis
10-15% of sore throats in adults. Rare in children under 3 and adults over 50. Onset is acute with difficulty swallowing, exudate 50%, fever >101 and erythema.
Clinical syndrome 1st step is to watch closely for s/s Get good hx Any previous reaction to stings watch for flushing, urticaria, laryngeal edema/stridor, bronchospasm, hypotension, tachy and anxiety Acute respiratory distress
Anaphylaxis-Treat aggressively. Never lose someone due to conservative tx.
Tx with epinephrine
Adults:1:1000 0.2-0.5mg IM in anterolateral aspect of thigh (middle 1/3) q5-15 minutes
PEDS: 1:1000 0.01mg/kg q 5-15 minutes (max single dose 0.3 mg)
EPI pen .15 for children
.3 for adults and children over 25 kg
Triad tx for anaphylaxis
Epinephrine, benadryl and steroids
Snake bite
If its venomous it is a medical emergency.
Determine whether envenomation has occurred. This is the first step
Know where (clinic) the antivenom is kept.
Heat illness
Patient and community education is the first step to preventing a heat-related illness. Core temp of more than 40C and altered mental status, delirium and coma are HEAT STROKE (Emergency) Remove heat source-Get rectal temp Elevate limbs Rest and rehydrate Cramps-1/2 tsp salt to 1 qt water Sponge and then fan Take fluids over the next 24-48 hrs is minor illness. Cool to 38.5C Know the meds