Norse mythology Flashcards
Gods who live in Asgard; includes Odin, Baldr, Bragi, Forseti, Freyr, Thor, Tyr, Vili, Ve, and Vidar. Goddesses include Freya (originally part of the Vanir), Frigg, Sif, and Idun.
The god of the sea; husband to sea goddess Ran; has 9 daughters called the billow maidens
Killed by Loki
Nordic war goddesses (see Valkryies)
A dwarven king who guarded the Nibelung hoard and a powerful magician. Have Siegfried the sword Balmung and cloak that granted invisibility. Freya received Brisingamen along with Draupnir, Odins ring, and the magical sword Tyrfing.
Elf home, one of the nine worlds. Palace of Freyr and elves of light.
A maiden who dressed as a warrior to avoid being taken in marriage by King Alf. Only when they engaged in a fight to the death (almost), and he proved to be as strong as she, did she agree to mate with him.
The sun, also named Sol. A chariot is driven by a girl was thought to be the sun; two horses named Arvak and Alsvid pulled the chariot. Because she was pursued by the wolf, Skoll, she drove very fast. Before the world ends, she will have a daughter, who will take her place when Skoll finally eats her. The sun gives off heat, and the horses’ manes give off light.
A dwarf promised Thrud, Thors daughter, in exchange for forging weapons for the gods. Thor didn’t like this and devised a test of knowledge to stop the marriage. He told Alvis that he had to prove that his wisdom made up for his small stature. The test was prolonged until the sun rose, where Alvis was turned to stone.
The cook of the Aesir and the Einherjar. Every evening he slaughters the cosmic boar Sahrimnir and cooks it in his cauldron, Eldhrimnir. The boar is restored the same night. The milk that forms the Aesirs’ mead is provided by the goat Heidrun, which eats the world tree’s leaves
A ring that seeks out gold and owned by Andvari until Loki stole it. Andvari hexed the ring and it gave bad luck and pain to all who beheld it. Loki gave the ring to King Hreidmar of the dwarves, as reparation for the accidental murder of the King’s son. When Fafnir killed Hreidmar, he took the ring.
Basis for Wagner’s Ring cycle and the Hope Diamond.
A dwarf who can assume the shape of a fish if pursued. Collects wealth with Andvaranaut. Caught by Loki with a net given by Ran, and gave up his gold. Loki took the ring as well, and Andvari cursed the gold to bring disaster to its owners. Gold used by gods to pay blood-debt for Hreidmar, the father of Fafnir, because they killed his son Otter.
A giantess and mistress of Loki. She spawned 3 monsters: Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel. The gods abducted the children from her hall when they learned how dangerous they were.
One of 9 worlds. Walls built by Blast (or Hrimthurs) who asked for Freya, the sun, and the moon. Odin agreed if the walls were finished in 6 months. Hrimthurs had a magical horse named Svadilfari, who was beguiled by a transformed Loki. Job wasn’t completed in time, so no payment was given.
Houses Valhalla. In the middle of Asgard is Idavoll (or Ida) where the Aesir meet to decide important issues. The gods assemble in the hall of Gladsheim and the goddesses in the hall of Vingolf. The gods also meet daily at the Well of Urd, beneath the Asgard root of Yggdrasil.
“Asgard’s chase.” The wild ride of Odin and Frigg. Especially active during dark, stormy Yule nights.
Ask and Embla
Originally logs of wood given humanoid shape by Odin, Ve, and Vili after the creation of the universe. Odin have them the spirit of life, Vili gave them sharp wit and feeling hearts, and Ve gave them senses, expressions, and speech. Progenitors of the human race who lived in Midgard
Goddess of love
Name of goddesses in Asgard.
A water goddess and daughter of Ran
Primeval cow on whose milk the Giant Ymir fed. Created from the melting ice at the beginning of time. Sustained herself by licking the salt and hoar frost from the ice of Niflheim
God of light, purity, beauty, innocence, and reconciliation. Son of Odin and Frigg and loved by everybody. Wife was Nanna, daughter of Nep, and their son was Forseti, the god of justice. Baldr’s hall was Breidablik (broad splendor). Dreamt about his death, so Frigg extracted oaths from everything in nature that he would not be harmed. Thinking him invincible, the gods played and used Baldur as a target for practice. Loki, jealous of Baldr, disguised himself and asked Frigg if there was anything to harm him. There was just one thing: mistletoe, because Frigg thought it was too small to make an oath. He tricked Baldr’s blind twin brother Hod into throwing a mistletoe dart at Baldr. It pierced Baldr’s heart, and he dropped dead.
Odin sent his son Hermod to Hel to plead for Baldur’s return, and she agreed under the condition that everything in the world must cry for him. Everything wept except Loki, who had disguised himself as the witch Thokk. Nanna died of grief, and they were sent out on a funeral pyre by the giantess Hyrrokin.
Hod was killed by Vali, and Loki was punished
A magical sword made by Wayland, the Anglo-Saxon god of blacksmithing. Odin stabbed the Branstock tree, an oak tree in the Volsung palace, with Balmung. Odin then said he who could pull out the sword is destined to win in battle. Sigmund, the youngest Volsung prince, removed it. Odin destroyed Balmung but it was reassembled and Siegfried used it against Fafnir.
A son of Odin who became king of West Saxony.
Son of Thrudgelmir and the grandson of Ymir. In the enormous amount of blood which flowed after Ymir’s death, all the frost giants died except Bergelmir and his wife. They climbed into the hollow tree trunk and survived. They then became the progenitors of a new, younger race of frost giants.
Warriors who dressed themselves in bear skins to use against people. They were formidable, frenzied enemies.
Servant of Freyr and wife of Byggvir. Protectress of dairy work.
The bridge between Midgard and Asgard. Closely guarded by Heimdall, the watchman of the gods.
Father of the beautiful Rind, who eventually gave into Odin and bore Vali.
A primordial Norseman, the son of Buri. Married the giantess Bestla, the daughter of the frost giant Bolthorn. Bor and Bestla were the parents of Odin, Vili, and Ve.
Personification of the evening mist, or perhaps the moon, who kills the light of day. Wife of Sigmund.
God of eloquence and poetry, and patron of the skalds (poets) in Norse mythology. Regarded as a son of Odin and Frigg. Runes were carved on his tongue and he inspired poetry in humans by letting them drink from the mead of poetry. Bragi is married to Idun, the goddess of eternal youth. Oaths were sworn over the Bragarfull (cup of Bragi) and drinks were taken from it in honor of a dead king. Before a king ascended the throne, he drank from such a cup.
Son of Baldr, whose name means daylight
One of the Valkyries and a heroine from the German epics in which she is an Icelandic princess. She defied Odin and he imprisoned her in a ring of fired decreeing she would stay until a hero rescued her. Siegfried (Sigurd) rescued her. He gave her the ring, Andvarinaut, unaware of it’s curse. She kills herself when she learns that Sigurd betrayed her with another woman (Gudrun), not knowing he had been bewitched by Grimhild.
Primeval man without parents and created by a cow named Audhumla. As she kicked the salt blocks of Ginnagagap, the shape of a man, Buri, was formed. Buri then had a son named Bor, who was father to Odin, Vili, and Ve
One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran
Personification of day. Son of Delling, the personification of twilight, and Nott. The gods gave Dagur a chariot and put him in the sky. His chariot is pulled by Skinfaxi, whose mans illuminates the sky.
The group of goddesses of fate and fertility. Goddesses and Valkryies referred to as Disen. Freya called “Dis of the Vanir.”
The dwarf who invented runes. He also made a golden wig to replace Sif’s hair, the spear Gungnir, and the ship Skidbladnir.
Or one of the four stags who grazed on Yggdrasil.
Heroes who died with great bravery in battle. Prepared in Valhalla for Ragnarok. In the morning they are woken by the crowing of Gullinkambi. During the day they train. At night they feast with Odin and their wounds are healed.
In Ragnarok, the bravest of the Einherjar will match with Odin to battle the frost giants.
Daughter of Loki and Glut (Loki’s first wife). Her sister is Eisa.
Minor goddess of healing. Knew the secret powers of herbs, with which she could even resurrect the dead. Taught the art of healing only to women. One of the goddesses on the mountain Lyfia. A companion of Frigg.
Personified goddess of old age, who overcame Thor in a wrestling match.
The great worm who guards the treasures of light, and is slain by Sigurd.
Eldest child of Loki and Angrboda. Locked in a cage and fed by Tyr. The gods, fearful, wanted to render him harmless, but he could not be restrained by any chain. The dwarves fashioned a magical chain called Gleipnir, made from the footstep if a cat, the roots of a mountain, a woman’s beard, the breath of fish, the sinews of a bear, and a bird’s spit. Fenrir doubted the strength of Gleipnir, but still suspected treachery. As a token of good will, he said one of the gods had to put a hand between his jaws. Only Tyr agreed. Fenrir was so angry when he was restrained by Gleipnir that he bit off Tyr’s hand. The gods chained Fenrir to a rock on earth called Gioll. They out a sword between his jaws to prevent him from biting. He will be restrained until Ragnarok, and devour Odin. Vidar, Odins son, will avenge his father and kill Fenrir.
The god of justice and son of Baldr and Nanna. Rules the palace Glitnir, which serves as a court. It has a silver roof supported by red gold pillars.
Goddess of love and fertility, and the most beautiful goddess. Patron goddess of crops and birth. Loves music, spring, flowers, and elves. One of the Vanir. Daughter of Njord, and sister of Freyr. Later married the god Od, who disappeared. Mourned for him and her tears turned to gold.
Owner of Brisingamen (obtained by sleeping with 4 dwarves), a cloak of bird feathers that turns its wearer into a falcon, and a chariot pulled by two cats. She owns Hildesvini (battle boar) which is her human lover in disguise. Her chambermaid is Fulla. Lives in the palace of Folkvang, a place where love songs are always played, and her hall is Sessrumnir. Divides slain warrior: one half goes to her palace, while the others go to Valhalla. Women also go to her hall.
God of sun and rain, and patron of bountiful harvests. A god of peace and a brave warrior. Ruler of the elves. Most prominent male of Vanir. Son of Njord and married to giantess Gerd. Rides a chariot pulled by a golden boar named Gullinbursti which was made for him by the dwarves Brokk and Eitri. Owns the ship Skidbladnir, which always sails towards its target, and can become pocket-sized. Also owns a sword that would emerge from it’s sheath and spread a field with carnage if the owner desired it. The sword was given to his servant Skirnir, as reward for making Gerd Freyr’s wife. In Ragnarok he will battle without weapons and will be the first to be killed by the fire giant Surt.
Patron of marriage and motherhood, and a goddess of love and fertility. Possibly another form of Freya.
Knows every person’s destiny but never reveals it. Her hall in Asgard is Fensalir, and he messenger is Gna, who rides through the sky on the horse Hofvarpnir.
Means “tired of walking.” Name used by Ming Gylfe when he was visiting Valhalla in search of the truth of everything.
Monstrous hound that guards the entrance to Helheim, the Norse realm of the dead. Has 4 eyes and a chest drenched in blood, and lives in Gnipa-cave. Anyone who has given bread to the poor could appease him with Hel cake. On Ragnarok, he will join the giants against the gods. Tyr will kill it but will die from the wounds it inflicts. Often equated with Fenrir.
A vegetation and fertility goddess connected with the plough. Considered the patron of virgins and the cringe of good luck and prosperity. Every girl who dies a virgin will become her servant. She is married to King Skjold, a son of Odin, and lived in Leire, Denmark, where she had a sanctuary. Swedish kings are supposed to be her descendants.
Could be another form of Frigg.