Normative ethics Flashcards
What is proportionalism?
- Argues that where proportionate reasons exist, it would be right to ignore this rule in that situation
- This thought process is evident is some from in Aquinas’ writings when he debated the morality of a poor man stealing in order to save his life, and concludes that it would be lawful
- Proportionalist account of NML says that in order to decide whether an act is moral, the intention of the moral agent must be considered
- They argue that acts only become morally good or bad when considering both the proportion of value and dis value in the act, and the intentions of the agent
- Therefore, no acts are intrinsically evil
What are the strengths of proportionalism?
- Principle has been around for a long time so is fairly robust. It is a well known part of Just war theory, as conceptualised by Augustine and developed by Aquinas
- Seems to be based on common sense
- It is a wide principle, used outside of natural law, eg just war and European law
What are the weaknesses of proportionalism?
- It has been condemned by the Catholic Church as it condemns the idea that any act can be intrinsically evil. Many people would believe that acts such as murder and rape are always evil and therefore we must acknowledge the existence of intrinsic goods and evils
- This calculation of value and dis value feels very consequentialist, as opposed to deontologist, therefore it brings up the problems of consequentialism. How difficult is it to see the future and anticipate the outcome of an action. If proportionalism descends to moral guesswork then the authority of the natural law is lost
What are the strengths of Natural Moral Law?
- It offers a foundational, universal and absolute approach to ethics. In an era where individuals are left to drown in a sea of choice, NML provides an objective foundation. It is no good telling people that they are morally free when they don’t know what to do with that freedom, many need an unchanging moral code to anchor them. Therefore, moral law enables people to establish common rules by which people can live in an ordered society
- Many people agree that morality isn’t subjective, it is about what is intrinsically good or bad
- Aquinas’ system is realistic as it acknowledges that people make mistakes, eg by being confused about real and apparent goods
- It is in line with Virtue ethics as it focuses on development of good moral character through practising virtues
- Very adaptable- John Finnis published a version that removed the need for God
What are the weaknesses of Natural Moral Law?
- Its teleological view that we all share common human nature from God, is flawed. Particularly its focus on sex as only a means of procreation, hence condemning contraception and homosexuality. Essentially it doesn’t work in modern society
- Although some forms of natural law can be atheistic, Aquinas’ can’t. He assumed that it was natural for all humans to worship God, but this can no longer be assumed
- NML can lead to immoral outcomes. Eg, despite the facts that the Catholic Church is the largest provider of care for HIV/AIDS, they still do not allow the distribution of artificial contraception, which adds to the spread of the disease
What are Fletcher’s 4 presuppositions?
Pragmatism, personalism, positivism, and relativism
What is pragmatism?
Doing what works, to maximise love
What is personalism?
Putting people above rules
What is relativism?
avoid words like ‘never’ and ‘always’, everything is relative to the situation
What is positivism?
believe in a God of love, use of this ethics is a faith commitment to Christian love
What are Fletcher’s 6 propositions?
- Only one thing is intrinsically good, namely love, nothing else at all
- The ruling norm of Christian decision is love: nothing else
- Love and justice are the same, for justice is love distributed, nothing else
- Love wills the neighbour’s good whether we like him or not
- Only the end justifies the means; nothing else
- Love’s decisions are made situationally not prescriptively
What are the strengths of situation ethics?
- Follows WWJD? Seems to be a good guidance for Christina ethicists. Eg, love your neighbour, and putting people above rules
- Fletcher’s presuppositions seems to be based on a platform of moral common sense
- Promotes individual autonomy- people are empowered to make their own decisions in situations
- Easily adaptable to modern ethical scenarios, eg sexuality or technology
- Focused on helping people, whereas legalistic ethics tends to worship laws that have no real moral strength, situation ethics recognises that living by outdated laws is pointless
- Promotes social justice because it forces people to analyse situations in terms of the desired end
What are the weaknesses of situation ethics?
- Puts too much responsibility on the individual. A moral agent ends up with more authority than the Bible or the Church
- Sidelines 2000 years of Church tradition. Barclay: “not all men are angels”
- Not everyone may agree on what is the most loving thing to do is
- Only works in extreme situations, not actually applicable to real life situations
What is eudaimonia?
Human flourishing
What is a phronimos?
a moral guide or inspiration who has attained practical wisdom from many years of experience
What is phronesis?
Practical wisdom