Normative ethical Theories Flashcards
Deontology, character, Teleology
What is normative ethics?
An examination of right and wrong
What is deontological Ethics?
we have a duty to focus on the right action
what is teleological ethics?
we should focus on our end and purpose in life so we should think about the consequences to our actions
what is character based ethics?
more focus on what kind of person you want to be not what should I do
what are Aquinas’ 5 primary precepts?
preserve life, to keep an orderly society, worship god, educate children, reproduce (POWER)
what should we follow for deontological ethics?
Natural moral law
what is natural moral law?
natural moral law is a series of law that are universal to everyone and must always be followed. It can be discovered through human reason and observing nature
who talks about natural moral law?
St Thomas Aquinas
what are the 4 types of law?
Eternal law , Divine Law, natural law, human law
why does natural law exist?
so we can reach our eternal destiny with god (telos)
why do we have the ability to reason?
god created mankind in his image so we also reflect some of his qualities like the ability to reason
what are the 3 main faculties of the soul?
the vegetative, the sensitive and the rational
why do we have the ability to act on reason (soul faculties)?
the rational faculty governs the soul as it is the highest function. This allows humans to think about there actions first
what does Aquinas say we have a natural inclination towards (the synderesis rule)?
we have a natural desire to pursue good and avoid evil
what is manualism?
catholic church created a series of books which described the secondary precepts
what is the two types of reason?
speculative reason and practical reason
what is speculative reason?
deals with theoretical knowledge such as metaphysical truths
what is practical reason?
deals with action and decision making. it describes how to live a good life and achieve human flourishing
what is free will?
allows humans to make choices based on reason rather than impulse of coercion. we can consider different option and decide on the best course of action
why do humans sometimes act irrationally?
sometimes we can give in to passions and desires leading to the reason and rationality becoming subordinate to lower factions
according to Aquinas what is the main purpose of human life?
fulfillment of human nature by following the 5 precepts so that we can achieve union with god in heaven
why is there a limit to human reason?
there are certain truths and divine mystery that is beyond human reason to comprehend. This is because we do not know eternal law however through revelation we can understand divine law
what are secondary precepts
rules showing how humans can apply the primary precepts to specific situations
E.g. contraception is wrong as it hinders reproduction
name 4 ways evil can be excused
real and apparent goods
theological virtues
interior and exterior acts
docterine of double effects
what are real and apparent goods
aquinas believed human nature is essentially good as natural law is within everyone therefore no one ever knowingly persues evil. Sometimes humans do apparent goods like sex for pleasure which go against gods intentions. Real good is achived by practicing virtues
what is an interior act
an act of the will where the intentions occur within a persons mind and reason.
E.g giving to charity to help people
what is an exterior act
physical acts that people do for recgonition or a not honerable reason
e.g. making a big post about giving to charity
what is a virtue
a part of your character and something you do out of habit. It is important to cultivate virtues
what are the 4 cardinal virtues
what are the 3 theological virtues