Normative Ethical Theories Flashcards
What are the 4 cardinal virtues?
Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, Justice
NML - Tojo war criminal - Justine Bernard
‘a crime in the eyes of reason and universal conscience.’
NML - Cicero definition
‘True law is right reason in agreement of nature. it is applied universally and is unchanging and everlasting.’
NML - Eternal law
‘I will put my law within them, and i will write it on their hearts.’ Jeremiah 31:33
NML - Real and apparent goods
‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ Romans 3:23
NML - Proportionalism 3 steps
- Agent’s intention
- Value of Act
- Disvalue of Act
(proportion of value to disvalue)
SE - John Robinson and then withdrawal (people can’t handle responsibility).
‘Dr Fletcher’s approach is the only ethic for “man come of age”.’
‘It will all descend into moral chaos.’
SE - William Barclay
Agape is ‘Unconquerable good will.’
SE - 1 John
‘The commandment that God has given us is: ‘Love god and love each other’.
SE - Fletcher - love’s outreach
‘many sided and wide-aimed, not one-directional.’
SE - Jesus
‘Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’
SE - Pragmatism
‘The good is what works!’
SE - Relativism
SE ‘relativises the absolute, it does not absolutise the relative’.
SE - Positivism
‘We love because he first loved us.’ 1 John 4:19
SE - Personalism
‘Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.’
SE - Justice
‘Justice is love distributed.’
VE - Eudaimonia
‘Every action and pursuit is considered to aim at some good.’
VE - Practice
‘For we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.’
VE - Justice is…
‘every virtue summed up.’
VE - Friendship
‘the bond that holds communities together.’
Capital Punishment - Ghandi
‘An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.’
Capital Punishment - Genesis 9:6
“Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed.”
Abortion, Embryo Research and Cloning - Psalm 139
‘For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.’
Who defended animals as having their own intrinsic value?
Judith Barad
Animal issues - NML animal purpose
‘There is no sin in using a thing for the purpose for which it was made’
Cloning support - Catholic Church
‘wherever it answers a need or provides a significant benefit for man.’
What are the four steps of The principle of double-effect
- Nature of act
- Means-end
- Right-intention
- Proportionality
What are the 3 theological virtues?
Faith, hope love
What are the 4 cardinal virtues?
- Prudence
- Temperance
- Fortitude
- Justice