Normans Flashcards
Who was William the conquer
King of Normandy
Who was Harold hadrada
Viking leader
Who was Harold godwinson
King of England
Who won the battle of Hastings
William of Normandy
How many men did the Vikings have in the battle of fulford
How many men did the English have in the battle of fulfard
Who was the king in England before people fought for it
Edward the confessor
Who were the choices of king after Edward died
Harold godwinson
Harold hadrada
William duke of Normandy
Edgar the aetheling
Who did the witan choose to be king
Harold godwinson
Where did the fight with hadrada and godwinson take place
How did William of Normandy prepare for events of 1066
He had a good relationship with the previous king
How did William of Normandy prepare for events of 1066
He had support from God because he persuaded the pope that the English church needed reforming
How long did it take William to get to England
The journey he took to England took him 20 miles
How powerful was William duke of Normandy
William was the most powerful king in the north west Europe
How does Harold hadrada die
In the battle of fulford
Who won the battle of Stamford bridge
The English
What was the aim of the battle of Stamford bridge
To take the city of York
How many miles was covered in 4 days
200 miles
What is feigned retreat
It’s when you convince the other side that they have left which meant that the opposition will run after leaving there advance spot
What equipment did William have
He had better weapons and armour
Why did William win the battle
Because he was prepared
Was godwinson unlucky against hadrada
What year did the most powerful men in England plotted a revolt against William
What was the revolt known as
Revolt of the north an farls
Why was this a different kind of revolt
Because it was Anglo Saxon and Norman’s revolting against William together
Who was the revolt leader
Ralph de Gael
Who was Ralph de Gael
Earl of east anglia
Who were the plotters
Ralph de Gael
Roger de Bretevic
Earl of Hereford
Waltheug earl of Northumbria
What was there plan to overthrow William
To revolt against h8m and divide the land into 3 between them
What support did the plotters have
Danish king crat and brictueg of France
How did the Danes mess up the support of the rebellion
They came late to support the rebellion
How many ships did the Danes have
They had 200 ships that would have stretched the normans defences beyond their limit
How was the revolt poorly planned
The rebel’s plans were very vague like Robles before them
Who was meant to be king if they overthrew William
One of them was meant to be king but they have decided who
How did they find out about the revolt
Waltheug thought better than getting involved and informed Archbishop Lanfranc
What did lanfranc do when he found out
He sent men to find what was happening in the earl coma LG Hereford and east anglia
What did the mEn report to lanfranc
The rebel’s were strengthening there defences and castles and building up there troops ready for combine attack’s
What did Lanfranc do to stop them
He wrote a letter to roger saying not do it and informed how loyal his farther was
What is Normandy today
Normandy today is a part of France but in the eleventh century it was an independent country ruled by a duke
Where did the Vikings come from
They came from Norway Sweden and Denmark (Scandinavia)
What was the say on religion
Religious beliefs were very strong and the Catholic Church dominated Western Europe
How many inhabitants were there in England in 1066
2 million
Who were the most powerful family in Norman England
The godwinsons
Key feature of England in the eleventh century
Most of the southern half of England was covered in Forrest
Why did raders go to England
England was very wealthy
Who were the Godwin’s
The Godwinson were the most powerful family in Norman England they controlled a large area of England
How did earl Godwin’s die
He got exiled by Edward in 1052 over a dispute about land
What adavange did godwinson have in the battle of Stamford bridge
He caught them by surprise
How many men did Harold godwinson have after the battle of Stamford bridge
Were the Viking at a disadvantage in the battle of fulford
Some left there weapons on the ship